JTA News

JTA News Delivering Jewish news from around the world since 1917. As an unaffiliated not-for-profit organization, we pride ourselves on our independence and integrity.

JTA is the definitive, trusted global source of breaking news, investigative reporting, in-depth analysis, opinion and features on current events and issues of interest to the Jewish people. JTA has no allegiance to any specific branch of Judaism or political viewpoint and receives funding from a diverse array of sources. With correspondents in New York, Washington, Jerusalem, Moscow and dozens of

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Day school students and youth group members gather at a memorial and shiva to remember the student-athlete who died defe...

Day school students and youth group members gather at a memorial and shiva to remember the student-athlete who died defending the border from Hamas.

In this week’s Jewish Sport Report, we’ve got the story on Jake Retzlaff’s very Jewish sponsorship deal, a Jewish guide ...

In this week’s Jewish Sport Report, we’ve got the story on Jake Retzlaff’s very Jewish sponsorship deal, a Jewish guide to baseball’s chaotic Winter Meetings and more.

Plus, what to expect at the MLB Winter Meetings.

Opinion | Jewish survival depends on the ability to stand together, writes the CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Ma...

Opinion | Jewish survival depends on the ability to stand together, writes the CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

Jewish survival depends on the ability to stand together, writes the CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

Also out this year: a picture book about a unique menorah used at the White House.

Also out this year: a picture book about a unique menorah used at the White House.

The attack comes as Australia has experienced a fourfold increase in antisemitic incidents.

The attack comes as Australia has experienced a fourfold increase in antisemitic incidents.

Prosecutors dropped charges in an incident that drew widespread attention as university protests rocked Columbia campus.

Prosecutors dropped charges in an incident that drew widespread attention as university protests rocked Columbia campus.

Prosecutors drop charges in incident that drew widespread attention as university protests rocked Columbia campus.

As a drought warning puts the kibosh on fire permits in the city, rabbis who kindle public menorahs are hoping for a Han...

As a drought warning puts the kibosh on fire permits in the city, rabbis who kindle public menorahs are hoping for a Hanukkah miracle.

After JTA published the president’s correspondence, faculty accused him of inappropriate scrutiny.

After JTA published the president’s correspondence, faculty accused him of inappropriate scrutiny.

A new website quietly launched by the Israeli military lets soldiers anonymously check whether their safety equipment co...

A new website quietly launched by the Israeli military lets soldiers anonymously check whether their safety equipment complies with official standards.

Donald Trump won a higher percentage of Jews than in 2020, but not by the margins he predicted.

Donald Trump won a higher percentage of Jews than in 2020, but not by the margins he predicted.

Adam Boehler got the nod just days after Trump vowed there would be "all hell to pay" if Israeli hostages in Gaza are no...

Adam Boehler got the nod just days after Trump vowed there would be "all hell to pay" if Israeli hostages in Gaza are not released by the time he takes office.

Adam Boehler got the nod just days after Trump vowed there would be "all hell to pay" if Israeli hostages in Gaza are not release by the time he takes office.

Last year’s festival, which was scheduled for early November, was indefinitely postponed following Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, ...

Last year’s festival, which was scheduled for early November, was indefinitely postponed following Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel.

Schumer remains the most senior Jewish elected official in U.S. history.

Schumer remains the most senior Jewish elected official in U.S. history.

Isaacman, a high school dropout and billionaire, is Jewish but has not made that piece of his identity a major part of h...

Isaacman, a high school dropout and billionaire, is Jewish but has not made that piece of his identity a major part of his public persona.

Isaacman has made headlines with his private adventures into outer space.

From a bagel-and-lox hair clip to a Statue of Liberty menorah, these 12 items are sure to bring NYC-style holiday happin...

From a bagel-and-lox hair clip to a Statue of Liberty menorah, these 12 items are sure to bring NYC-style holiday happiness to everyone on your list.

Recent notable deaths include the Israeli guard who hanged Adolf Eichmann, an Israeli soldier wounded on Oct. 7, and the...

Recent notable deaths include the Israeli guard who hanged Adolf Eichmann, an Israeli soldier wounded on Oct. 7, and the Alice of "Alice's Restaurant."

Retzlaff, who goes by the moniker “BY-Jew,” is the first athlete to reach a deal with the iconic Jewish food brand.

Retzlaff, who goes by the moniker “BY-Jew,” is the first athlete to reach a deal with the iconic Jewish food brand.

A body tasked with administering an election in which only Jews are allowed to vote felt compelled this year to clarify ...

A body tasked with administering an election in which only Jews are allowed to vote felt compelled this year to clarify what it means by 'Jew.'


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