Margaret Brainard Hamilton. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, on December 9th, 1902. Like most parents of talented children, hers insisted she attend Wheelock College in Boston, which she did, becoming a kindergarten teacher. Hamilton made her debut on her 27th birthday in the Charles S. Brooks Theater at the Cleveland Play House. Hamilton married Paul Boynton Meserve on June 13, 1931, They had one son, Hamilton Wadsworth Meserve. Hamilton made her screen debut in the MGM film Another Language (1933). As her acting career picked up, the couple divorced in 1938. So f**k him. She went on to raise her son as a single mother and working actress. she never put herself under contract to any one studio, which was extremely risky at the time and priced her services at $1,000 ($20,400 with inflation a week. In describing her iconic casting Hamilton said: “my agent called. I said, 'Yes?' and he said 'Maggie, they want you to play a part on the Wizard.' I said to myself, 'Oh, boy, The Wizard of Oz! That has been my favorite book since I was four.' And I asked him what part, and he said, 'The Witch', and I said, 'The Witch?!' and he said, 'What else?”. She became so iconic for the role it was referenced in almost all of her later work. She worried that children would think save was really like that. She appeared on an episode of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood in 1975 where she explained to children she was only playing a role and showed how putting on a costume "transformed" her into the witch. And I’m not crying, you are.
Hamilton had three grandchildren, Christopher, Scott, and Margaret. Hamilton never remarried, which is sad because she’s a f**king catch. Always having a passion for education She served on the Beverly Hills Board of Education from 1948 to 1951 and was a Sunday school teacher during the 1950s. Hamilton lived in Manhattan for most of her adult life, and later moved to Millbrook, New York. Sadly she developed Alzheimer's disease and died in her sleep following a heart attack on May 16, 1985, in Salisbury, Connecticut, at the age of 82.