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Jamal Abdul’Faruq,7 years old,was last seen with his brother, Basil, in Richmond, Virginia on April 16th 1990. The boys ...

Jamal Abdul’Faruq,7 years old,was last seen with his brother, Basil, in Richmond, Virginia on April 16th 1990. The boys were dropped off at their mother, Tambra Ellis’s home by their stepmother in the 1700 block of Clarkson Road. At 2:30 pm, the two boys went outside to play in the front yard while their mother slept. She was tired from working the nightshift the day before.She eventually woke from her nap and went to look for her boys. She could not find them and started to worry. After she looked for 45 minutes, she called the police to report her two sons as missing children. The two never returned to their moms home and were never seen or heard from again.Extensive searches of the area took place but neither brother was found. No one in the apartments reported seeing anything strange or hear anything strange. Nearby wooded areas were also searched with no indications of their whereabouts.Investigators believe that both boys were the victims of foul play. On April 19th, investigators discovered Basil’s body in a Chesterfield County landfill. The landfill was approximately 10 miles away from the home they disappeared from. Basils body was fully clothed when it was discovered.Basil had been bound, gagged, and stabbed twice in the back, killing him. His skull was also fractured but this occurred after his murder. Whoever killed him placed his body in a garbage bag and put it in a dumpster. It was then transported to the landfill from there.Investigators initially detained the boys father, Everett Abdul’Faruq. They held him for three hours under the belief that the child had been injured or killed inside his home. A search of his property had turned up nothing. He was never named as a suspect in the case even though he did refuse a lie detector test. He said this was due to his Muslim views.Both his mother and father have been ruled out as suspects and cleared in the investigation into Jamal’s disappearance and Basil’s murder. Investigators suspect that the boys were abducted by a stranger. They consider the possibility that Jamal might still be alive.At the time of his disappearance, Jamal enjoyed watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He was a second grade student at E.S.H Green Elementary School and his favorite food was pizza. His disappearance remains unsolved and foul play is suspected.

Aqsa "Axa" Parvez (April 22, 1991 – December 10, 2007) was the victim of a murder in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Durin...

Aqsa "Axa" Parvez (April 22, 1991 – December 10, 2007) was the victim of a murder in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. During the murder trial, Superior Court Justice Bruce Durno acknowledged the slaying as an honour killing, stating, that he found it "profoundly disturbing that a 16-year-old could be murdered by a father and brother for the purpose of saving family pride, for saving them from what they perceived as family embarrassment". Aqsa's brother, Waqas, had strangled her. Aqsa's death was reported internationally and sparked a debate about the status of women in Islam. The Toronto Star stated that the father's perception of himself being unable to influence his daughter's behavior was a major factor in the death, and that "Media in Toronto and around the world immediately reported and continues to report that Aqsa was killed because she refused to wear the hijab. But it was much more complicated than that."
Parvez was a student of Applewood Heights Secondary School in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Her father, Muhammad Parvez, was a taxicab driver. She grew up in a Muslim family of Pakistani origin. A week before her death, she had moved in with the family of a neighbour, Lubna Tahir, to escape tension with her family. Parvez had academic difficulties at her school, but refused pleas to be moved to an Islamic school. After leaving home the first time, partly for disliking the hijab, her father sent her a letter promising to allow her more freedom. She later left home a second time.
Around 8 am (EST) on December 10, 2007, Peel Regional Police responded to a 911 call from a man who had said he had just killed his daughter. When officers arrived at a single-family detached home, they found Parvez suffering from life-threatening injuries. She was immediately taken to Credit Valley Hospital and later transferred in critical condition to the Hospital for Sick Children where she died. It was learned in court in 2010 that it was her brother who had strangled her, causing her to die from neck compression.
One student reported that her father was threatening her, causing her to fear for her life. Parvez's friends also said she wanted to run away from her family to escape the conflicts with them.
Muhammad Parvez was charged with first-degree murder and denied bail.[9] The victim's older brother, Waqas Parvez, who was ordered by his father to not communicate with police, was originally facing a charge of obstructing police and placed in custody. He was released on bail and was ordered to reside with his surety and surrender his passport. However, on June 27, 2008, Waqas Parvez was charged by Peel Regional Police with first-degree murder.
On June 15, 2010, Muhammad Parvez and Waqas Parvez pleaded guilty to the second-degree murder of Aqsa Parvez, and a statement of agreed-upon facts was released. Both were sentenced to life imprisonment, with no eligibility for parole until 2028.
Muhammad Parvez died of natural causes in February 2017 while in custody.
Counsel for Muhamed Parvez was Joseph F.S. Ciraco, a senior criminal defence lawyer in Peel Region.
Parvez's death has also revived the story of the similar honour killing that happened in 1989 in which Zein Isa killed his 16-year-old daughter, Tina.
Though the murder is considered to be a case of honour killing, some Islamic leaders claimed that it is only a case of domestic violence.[14] Her death has also sparked a debate about the status of women in Islamic communities.[2] A statement her father made to her mother immediately after the crime was later cited in support of the honour killing theory: “My community will say you have not been able to control your daughter. This is my insult. She is making me naked.”
A public funeral was to take place for Parvez at 1:30 pm (EST) at a Mississauga mosque on December 15, 2007.[m However, hours before the funeral, her family decided to instead have a private funeral for privacy reasons. Parvez was buried at the Meadowvale Cemetery in Brampton; her family refused a donation of a gravestone and a memorial made by anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller.
Syed Soharwardy, the head imam at the Calgary Islamic Centre and national president of Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, went on a hunger strike for two days to denounce family violence, which he described as completely against the teachings of Islam.
Mohammad Alnadui, vice-chairman of the Canadian Council of Imams, called the murder "un-Islamic", and denounced the act "without any reservation".
Parvez's death was profiled in Shelley Saywell's 2010 documentary film In the Name of the Family.

COLUMBIA, MISSOURI:What happened to Yinzhou Zheng and Xiang Sun?Yinzhou and Xiang (also known as Susan) were a Chinese c...

What happened to Yinzhou Zheng and Xiang Sun?
Yinzhou and Xiang (also known as Susan) were a Chinese couple who moved to Columbia in 1997. In the fall of 2000, 46yo Yinzhou was a genetics researcher at Mizzou, where his 18yo son Charlie was also attending. 44yo Xiang was a waitress at George’s Pizza and Steak House. The three of them lived together at University Terrace Apartments.
On Sunday, September 17th, 2000, Charlie woke to find his father Yinzhou was not in the house. He wasn’t too surprised, as his father had previously said he was going to visit his daughter Jennie (Charlie’s sister) in Iowa City. He did notice the family’s only vehicle, a white Ford Windstar van, was still at the apartment; however, this also wasn’t too odd as Yinzhou’s friends often went with him on trips and would drive their own cars.
Charlie’s stepmother Xiang - who he admitted to not getting along with very well - said nothing to him about the whereabouts of Yinzhou.
A week later on Sunday the 24th, Yinzhou still hadn’t returned home, so Charlie emailed his sister Jennie. She replied, “Dad was never here! I wasn’t expecting him.”
Charlie was shocked, but more shocking news was yet to come - that same day, he learned that his stepmother Xiang never showed up for her shift at the pizzeria. Two days later, after hearing nothing from either of them, Jennie called MU police to report the two as missing.
Charlie and Jennie both told police that their Dad and Xiang’s relationship was very rocky - they argued constantly over money. Yinzhou was sending money to his family in China frequently, and he would take any money Xiang made at the pizzeria. He even went as far as showing up to her work during her shifts (which she worked 12 hours straight, 7 days a week) and confiscating her tip money. Xiang’s boss at the pizzeria also told police she would often show up with bruises.
The relationship experienced a major strain when Yinzhou decided that the couple’s young daughter, whom they had together in 1995, would go live with his mother back in China after his father passed away. It’s unclear what year this happened, but it was said that Xiang was very close to her daughter.
Yinzhou and Xiang left behind their clothing, luggage, passports, and over $30,000 in Yinzhou’s bank account. MU police took the passports and interviewed friends and family. The chief at the time, Fred Otto, claims that they did a thorough investigation and released information about the couple at the time of their disappearance, but two reporters with the Columbia Daily Tribune could find no evidence of this 3 years later. Jennie also said she was very unsatisfied with the investigation and the amount of media coverage the disappearances received.
Yinzhou’s coworkers at MU were interviewed and said he was acting normal before his disappearance - he had put future meetings on his work calendar, and nothing he was working on at the time was particularly sensitive. His daughter Jennie did tell authorities, however, that she found a letter from her father to a female college student at MU. He was interested in, and had possibly been in, a relationship with her - in the letter, he asked her if they could remain friends. This letter was dated September 13th, 2000, four days before his disappearance.
There has been essentially no media coverage on the disappearances of Yinzhou Zheng and Xiang Sun since 2003. At the time, both sets of families felt as though their loved one was probably killed by the other spouse.
What happened to Yinzhou and Xiang?

When will justice for Navy veteran Brandon Embry arrive?Brandon’s case will shock you because he is actually being blame...

When will justice for Navy veteran Brandon Embry arrive?
Brandon’s case will shock you because he is actually being blamed for his own death. Yes, a Navy veteran, who was living in North Carolina, is being blamed for his own death. His mother, Sarah, is having to investigate her own son’s death.
However, crime scene and hospital photos tell a much different story. There have also been some new developments that I will talk about today-
*hospital and crime scene photos in the comments*
Brandon was a 33 year old honors student, with multiple degrees, and a Navy veteran(was on the USS Chicago) that had just moved from Seattle down to Asheboro North Carolina.
In February 2019, he began dating a woman named Cassandra.
September 7, 2019, Sarah has a phone conversation with Brandon to wish him a happy birthday.
September 9, 2019- according to Sarah, "Monday, Brandon texts me 4:21pm he has a bad headache and it’s terrible timing because he has a lot of stuff he needs to take care of." However, the family was concerned because his text message was not using the verbiage or punctuation that he normally uses.
September 10, 2019- according to Sarah, at 11:27am, "There is a receipt for Adam and Eve. The item purchased was for a female and not something he would buy if alone. The detective said his phone pinged in this area on Tuesday.
Later, Cassandra talks a lot about a restaurant called Scrambled, it happens to be right across the street from Adam and Eve. She talks about what they had to eat. She said they waited an hour for a table. She said they had to kill time, over an hour before driving home because they had drinks, Bloody Marys, etc . She said this was around noon. Could this actually be the day they were there? Cassandra says someone else drove his truck to Greensboro."
September 10, 2019- Tuesday 9:30pm – approximately, Brandon supposedly has a 13 minute phone conversation with a girl he has been talking to in Virginia. Sarah is no longer getting responses from Brandon and begins getting very concerned.
September 12, 2019- Sarah and her daughter go over to Brandon's apartment. His truck is there. He is not answering the door. The door is locked. They go around back, to find the back window broken. They call out to him but no response. They call for a wellness check. When LE shows up, they have to use the key to his apartment that was in possession of the apartment complex. When they go in, it is discovered that:
Brandon is naked, laying in a fetal position, in a pool of his own blood, by his closet.
His entire apartment was ransacked.
There was blood all over the bedroom and on items within the bedroom.
The ransacked bathroom also had a broken mirror, at the top of the toilet tank was broken in half.
Brandon was taken by ambulance to the hospital.
Upon arriving a nurse asks Sarah if Brandon has been run over.
Brandon later dies at the hospital
After Brandon dies, Sarah is able to gain access to Brandon's hospital records. From the time he begins dating Cassandra, Brandon goes to the hospital a total of four times, once in ICU, with symptoms that are consistent with poisoning.
The original Detective in charge of Brandon's case was a man. Per the search warrant, it stated that according to hospital staff, Brandon's wounds were NOT self inflicted and they were actually going back to the apartment to look for the weapon.
Brandon's case was being investigated as a homicide and Cassandra WAS a PERSON OF INTEREST in Brandon's murder. He believed that the next time that he interviewed Cassandra that she would confess.
The male detective was soon promoted, and the case was handed over to a female Detective, and very soon after she closed Brandon's case.
Flaws in the autopsy per the Medical Examiner:
Rather than conducting the autopsy within 24 hours, the ME waits a total of three days.
The ME basically states that he died from pneumonia. Yes, you read that correctly. She then goes in an amends the autopsy to “undetermined” for cause and manner of death stating that he could have taken synthetic ma*****na, per a conversation with the female detective in charge of the case. Per Toxicology- Brandon tested negative for synthetic ma*****na AND twelve hours before he died, he was negative for pneumonia.
Newest developments:
In March 2021, Sarah hired a private investigator to come out and collect samples from Brandon's truck. Blue Star/Luminol was used to detect the presence of blood. There were many areas within the truck that came back positive for blood.
Sarah sends these samples to a certified lab, and the lab returns with the results of it being human male blood.
In September 2021, Sarah tests the front of Brandon's truck with Blue Star and discovers that: All along the majority of the underside front bumper, is testing positive for blood. It also tested positive for blood on the driver's side tire. Side note: It is also important to note that Cassandra had "dreams" about what happened to Brandon. One of these dreams, she and he are at a bar, and a woman is in Brandon's truck and runs over him. Cassandra also had a "dream" where Brandon's body dropped in the floor by his closet(this was true and no one knew this information except for law enforcement).
Confidential sources have shared that Cassandra has a history of being violent, verbally and physically abusive, along with a history of pathological lying.
What is most horrific about Brandon's death, is that he is being blamed for his own death, when looking at the crime scene photos, hospital photos, and autopsy photos, you can CLEARLY see that is not the case.
Please visit Brandon’s Voice - The Murder and Coverup of Brandon Embry for more information.

27 years is a long time. Long enough that I can't remember the last time I saw my sister or the last words we said to ea...

27 years is a long time. Long enough that I can't remember the last time I saw my sister or the last words we said to eachother. Long enough that I can't remember the last place we went together or the last time we ate as a family. Who takes note of these trivial things assuming that there are 10's of thousands of such moments to come. Little did my family and I know that on December the 9th, 1994, that no more of those moments were to follow. We, as a family, were about to have the worst day of our lives. The day that my sister, Chanty Martria Shiverdecker, wouldn't be coming home.
27 years is a long time to spend countless days considering the same unanswered questions. To be lost in a terrible limbo of suspicion and wonder. To know that there is an answer out there but to remain elusive to this day. It's been 27 years to the day that my sister went missing and the case is still unsolved.
That being said, this past year has been the first in a very long time that I've been optimistic that answers may be possible. The internet and Facebook have been invaluable tools in spreading awareness of this case and the terrific podcast and YouTube video made by J.R. Erickson have allowed the public an exposure and understanding that wouldn't have been possible in 1994. It is, as it always has been, my hope that the right person does the right thing and come forward with the answers to allow this case to finally be closed.
If you have any information regarding my sister's disappearance and murder, please do not hesitate to contact the Coosa County Sheriff's office or contact me directly if that makes you uncomfortable. We need your help. Please share and keep this case in the public consciousness.

Hello all.Please bear with me here, as this “case” is a little complicated and long. And all the events described occurr...

Hello all.
Please bear with me here, as this “case” is a little complicated and long. And all the events described occurred when I was a child.
This is my aunt, Erika Dawn Doyle. She is 42 years old, and has been missing since November of 2008.
To shorten the story, Erika and my mother experienced some traumatic childhood events that led Erika to choose drugs in her late teens/ early adulthood.
With that being said, she lived the life of an addict. She came and went as she pleased, in and out of rehab and jail, the whole nine yards. You never knew if she was here or there. But, she always called my mother or my grandfather on her birthday and specific holidays throughout the year. No matter how strung out she was or if we hadn’t heard or seen her in months, she ALWAYS CALLED.
Cut to 2008: This was a very hard year for Erika, as her addiction had led to the removal of her babes, my cousins. Giving her tough love as a last resort to try and get her back on track, my grandfather took custody of the children. This sent Erika into a spiral, and she then decided to attend a rehab facility in Lubbock, Texas sometime in early 2008.
Upon arriving she checked herself out within 3ish days. She found the drugs, and a pimp boyfriend named James B Anderson and began living there. She was arrested from July 2008- October 2008 for prostitution in LBK and those are the last known recorded arrests.
In November of 2008, my mother received a phone call from Erika who was still residing in Lubbock. That was the last time any of us have seen or spoken to her.
With her disgruntlement with the family over her children and other family matters we first assumed she was angry and just wasn’t calling anymore. But we KNOW Erika. Erika hasn’t called in THIRTEEN years. Not for a holiday. Not for her birthday. Nothing. She is habitually in and out of jail (at least 3-4 times a year). This is a very significant piece of information considering Erika’s life style and criminal record.
When 2009 came, and her sister didn’t call my mother knew in her gut something was wrong. So she did and continues to do everything she can to find her sister. Went to the local police, tried to file a missing persons case, hired a private investigator, gave DNA for the Jane Doe network, went to Lubbock with flyers multiple times and talked with all the people at the soup kitchens and common drug user spots. Contacted the SSA and requested a forwarding letter, which showed that there has been no activity on Erika’s account since 2008. They found her last known address in Lubbock and spoke to the landlord, and even discovered that when Creep was sentenced to 4 years in 2009, Erika went on to marry a guy named Elvin Leaks. We attempted to contact Elvin by phone a few years ago, and he didn’t offer much information besides that he went to jail, and Erika was not there when he returned.
So far we’ve been told we are unable to file a missing persons and make this an actual case, because Erika is of course an adult and can leave and disappear on her own free will. But we feel in our hearts that she wouldn’t do that. I am currently working towards pushing a MPC through as many others have suggested we try again.
We need to know if she is alive and well and chose to go MIA, or if she has passed so we can lay her to rest. Erika may not be the type of person many people care to search for, but she is worth searching for to us. We love her beyond all reason and would give anything to know if she’s okay. My family has been searching for over 10 years, and now that I’m older and can utilize new platforms to get her story out, I’m hoping we can get some leads. I know this is a jumbled mess, but I will answer any questions to help the search. Please help bring Erika home to us!!!
-IMPORTANT- My mother has been searching for JAMES B ANDERSON from Lubbock Texas since his release in 2009. If we are able to find James, aka “Creep” he may be able to give us more information on Erika and her associates/whereabouts before he went to prison in 2009. It has been said that he is possibly in a wheelchair or handicapped.
- Some of the public record searches will show that she is residing in Pampa Texas on Tignor street as of recent. Although she did live at this address, it is not listed in the right chronological order. The 2 phone numbers listed are also not updated either. Her last known address is in Lubbock.
Erika Dawn Doyle
Last seen November 2008, in Lubbock Texas.
5’4 and approximately 130lbs.
Strawberry blonde hair with the name “Mariah” tattooed on her right calf in Old English.


10755 Roger Drive #B
New Orleans, LA




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