Next on #TheWayForwardWBOK
I’ll wrap up my thoughts about the future of #leadership.
But I’m curious about your thoughts. What are the personal qualities and skills needed for leaders to take the country forward on all levels in all sectors?
I’ll read your answers live on WBOK 1230AM Saturday at 3 p.m. CT.
#leadershipforgood #NOLA
#LeadershipForGood thoughts incoming.
Here’s what I’ve learned over time about getting the best out of the people around me WITHOUT being in a #leadership position.
#FollowershipToLeadership #leadershipspeaker #greekuniversity
To close every episode of #TheWayForwardWBOK, I give final thoughts on a segment called Go Forward.
On Saturday, I had thoughts for anyone who has issues with Black folks leaning into our joy.
Shout out to @justinmadethat for the inspiration! 🤙🏽
Why are folks trying to keep snow on the tops of their cars as if it’s a souvenir? #nolasneaux
For Our Edification | Radiating Health and Wellness with Christine D. Ross
Christine Davis Ross has had to deal with serious life setbacks even as she sat in paradise. This is what led her to committing her life to health and wellness.
The host of Radiate Health and Wellness joined #ForOurEdification for an honest conversation about the importance of gratitude, mindfulness, and food as medicine. #personalleadership #podcast
Full episode is available at
The snow is more dangerous than it looks now. 🥶#nolasnow
This weekend on #TheWayForwardWBOK, Eric and Maleka Beal of @betterchoicesco will join me to discuss how we can get off to a healthy start in 2025.
Join us Saturday at 2 p.m. CT streaming live at
So much for my snowman prediction Saturday on @wbok1230. Swipe for the update.
Ethocast | Episode Tau with Donna Jones Anderson of the National Pan-Hellenic Council
Donna Jones Anderson, president of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. - NPHC, visited #Ethocast! I was pretty excited to hear about what #NPHC has been up to.
Here, Donna mentions what it looks like when the #Divine9 are better together.
Check out the episode at
#divinenine #blackgreeksuccess #blackgreeks #bglo
On your path to success, people will urge you to not forget who you are. Great advice.
But what if we understood forgetting who we are as part of the process? Maybe it’s natural to need to be reminded, and our team is there to help us find our way back to who we are.
#personalleadership #leadershipforgood
Happy Founders’ Day to the Finest I know, @hleakfrancis! 💙🤍💙🤍💙