Well my first video game sponsors campaign has officially ended. There were some weird issues but we at least made it to the minimum, thank you to the 3 ppl who completed the campaign and for my gf Gina for just creating a character cuz the game was too big to download on mobile 😂😂 and thanks to the people who at least tried to help out.
That being said with that sponsor gone NOW is time to resort to my original sponsorship with DUBBY ENERGY! If you guys hate having the jitters Dubby is the solution to your daily caffeine fix! It’s got tons of great flavors like Big energy tears blue raspberry, Galaxy gr***de which is guava lime and watermelon, and my new personal favorite Watermelonada, which is Strawberry Watermelon Lemonade AND is their new hydration formula which has 0 caffeine.
The caffeinated ones are made with arabica beans and give you the energy where it counts so you can stay focused on your game without the physical jitters!
PICKLE10 to save yourself 10% off your entire order! Thank you to genshin for helping me out for the week and thanks to dubby for always sponsoring my streams and content!
Dubby Energy is the maker of a clean gamer energy drink to help enhance focus, concentration, and reaction time with no jitters, crash, or bad ingredients like maltodextrin or artificial dyes.