Bear Necessities
With Voice of the Sky, it's possible to invade the bear caves nearby and snoop their bear necessities without disturbing the native population and there are chests to be had making it worth the trip.
In the courtyard is the frigid path to see 'Party Snax', and using a method that i call Fire and Ice, its possible to rapidly raise Restoration. Here is a demonstration.
Variation on a Theme (Mouse and Cat)
For variation on a theme, here we have Cat and Mouse using Destruction and Restoration that allows one giant to serve the purpose of many. Archery can also be used instead of destruction for the melee fighter but i usually save it for the mammoths.
Mouse and Cat - Giant Edition
The idea is to lure a giant away from one of the two giant camps near the watchtower and slowly kill him with a million beestings. But in this case, i do not hurt him at all, just annoy him as i pepper him with Soul Trap for Conjuration and Oakflesh for Alteration.
I Stand Corrected
I stand corrected. There is no chest. Just a few extra potions to gather. But I will show you the way all the same and two uses of Casting thru Keyholes.
Alchemical Interlude
Taking a break from the usual chronological order, i present an alchemical interlude for your enlightenment. Made from these same Barnacles, the Salmon Roe from Fishing with Dynamite, and all the Garlic i could find in the Whiterun area, it prepares a potion that not only rapidly levels Alchemy, but should have the familiar sound of a cash register as it is the most expensive potion in the game.
Your mileage may vary but we can talk about that on our next meeting...
Conjuring thru Keyholes @ The Deep
Fish in a Barrow @ The Deep
Along Came a Spider
In the Barrow, you will find a Spider you can play Mouse and Cat with, making him an excellent training opportunity. Demonstrated is the use of Conjuration (Soul Trap) and Alteration (Oakflesh) and for melee, Sneak also works well.
Fishing with Dynamite
I mentioned it before but here is a demonstration of 'fishing with Dynamite, ie the elemental spell to obtain Salmon roe. Use it while traveling from point to point rather than flitting like a butterfly.
Better Part of Valor at the Bannered Mare
Back in Whiterun, while the mages and their allies make the trek to Rorikstead for a pack goat and skins for backpacks (you did get the quest for this, didn't you? From the Bannered Mare?), melee can cut their teeth and bloody their lips on a fight with a bard. However, using a method i call Better Part of Valor, losing can grant greater rewards by increasing armor, restoration, and alteration. Or merely start with three vegetable soups for a great start.