Toxic Knox County

Toxic Knox County Exposing corruption and worse in Knox County, Ohio


You can make a difference, write a letter! Tell them how KTC chose to host Phil Chalmers' victim exploitation show, and how they ignored our concerns.
Feel free to print my articles about it, and send it with your letter.

I created a new group — Knox County Ohio News and Talk (Mount Vernon, Fredericktown, etc.)  It's a public group now, but...

I created a new group —
Knox County Ohio News and Talk (Mount Vernon, Fredericktown, etc.)
It's a public group now, but I will make it private if people start to join.

I was booted from the Mount Vernon Talk group, just for trying to share my Bullyz MC post.
I reached out to their admin, and I'm waiting for a response from her.
I will keep you updated.

UPDATE: Shaunna Vincent never responded. After seeing the garbage in her group - I'm left to assume that she sides with bullies by default.

The image shown is a digital collage.

Jesus doesn't love the "Christians" who caused you to abandon your faith.John the Baptist described the way Jesus judges...

Jesus doesn't love the "Christians" who caused you to abandon your faith.

John the Baptist described the way Jesus judges them:

Matthew 3:10 —12 (NIV)
"The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

The Holy Spirit is the truth, and Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit upon salvation.
Fire is a baptism of judgement.
The words "wheat" and "chaff" are used to describe people.
Wheat is desirable, and chaff is rubbish — Jesus incinerates the chaff.

The verses shown in the photo are Matthew 10:14 —15

Outlaw colors.Is Bullyz MC an Outlaw MC, or are they just idiots? ______________________________The following informatio...

Outlaw colors.
Is Bullyz MC an Outlaw MC, or are they just idiots?
The following information can be found on Wikipedia:

"Each major Outlaws chapter maintains one to five support clubs, smaller motorcycle clubs which are within the Outlaws' sphere of influence. Members of such clubs are permitted to attend Outlaws events and wear "support" patches which identify them with the Outlaws, and are required to perform menial tasks and guard duties on the Outlaws' behalf. According to law enforcement, the Outlaws utilize support clubs to carry out retail-level drug distribution and violent crimes in order to insulate the club from possible criminal liability."

"A black-and-white color scheme is associated with the Outlaws, as is Totenkopf imagery, symbols such as a hand clenching a pistol, and paraphernalia featuring the phrases "Support Black & White" and "Support Your Local Outlaws", or "SYLO".'

PAK United is rubbing it in your faces. I wonder what MVPD captain Andy Burns thinks; about patrolman Fike's tattoo.

PAK United is rubbing it in your faces.

I wonder what MVPD captain Andy Burns thinks; about patrolman Fike's tattoo.

Matthew 7:6 (NIV)

Matthew 7:6 (NIV)

An example of gratuities being given to law enforcement, and something else.Apparently Dena Lyn Hess (PAK United, Woodwa...

An example of gratuities being given to law enforcement, and something else.

Apparently Dena Lyn Hess (PAK United, Woodward Opera House, MVNU Athletics) thought that it would be cute to use gratuities provided for MVPD to intimidate me.

My Facebook reel from February 5, 2024 is shown in the image below.
In case you're curious – the trophy with sunglasses was a reference to Matthew 14:1–12.

Also shown in the image;
is Mount Vernon Police Department's post from April 8, 2024, which was posted over a month after I shared my reel.
I added a red arrow to the image, to bring your attention to the sign; in the gratuity basket.

You might remember, the "non-profit" named Experience Mount Vernon was the subject of the reel.
If you would like to watch the reel — scroll down this page, I shared it on February 20.

I edited this post 5/30/2024

Psalms 58:6–11(NIV)

Psalms 58:6–11(NIV)

Why are local businesses allowed to provide gratuities for law enforcement? It appears that some (including "non-profits...

Why are local businesses allowed to provide gratuities for law enforcement?
It appears that some (including "non-profits") have been providing goods and services, in exchange for special treatment.

When Mount Vernon cops harass and stalk young women where they work — where should the victims turn?
The victims can't just call MVPD or KCSO; because cops are the perpetrator's friends.
This isn't a new problem.

We aren't anti-law enforcement, we can see that some members of our law enforcement community aren't setting a good example.
We don't believe that we should reward public servants when they deserve to be reprimanded.

Tragedies shouldn't be used as an excuse to get away with doing whatever you want.
Every employee who gets paid with tax dollars deserves scrutiny; especially those employees who are tasked with protecting and serving us.

Blue Lives Matter is manipulative, and authoritarian in nature.
Of course we care about police officers who lost their lives protecting us.
It's unfair to make us choose, we can honor good cops AND preserve our rights.
It can't be "all or nothing".

And the Blue Lives Matter flag — it's fascistic and un-American; they mangled our flag and use it to manipulate us.
It looks just like an Outlaw Motorcycle Club flag, with a blue stripe added.
Again; Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs traffic fentanyl.

Rich Irons
for Toxic Knox County, 2024
Do you have a tip? Send me a message!


For a University that named itself "The Nazarene" — it's moral standards seem to be set inexplicably low.It's sickening ...

For a University that named itself "The Nazarene" — it's moral standards seem to be set inexplicably low.

It's sickening to me; how this "intentionally Christian" institution keeps popping up, in nearly every step of my research.

If you've been following my page; perhaps you have put this together, but here's a recap anyways —

Dena Lyn Hess (Woodward Opera House manager) volunteers in the MVNU athletic department.

The first scathing and deceitful review on this page was left by Paul Mcneal, who is the Athletic Department Development Coordinator at MVNU.

Kathy Greenich (Knox Technical Center superintendent) is a board trustee at MVNU.

And of course, Karen Wright (Ariel heir) thought there should be an Ariel Arena for the Cougars.

If it's an "intentionally Christian university" — where is the scrutiny in their hiring process?
Knowledge of the Bible CLEARLY isn't a requirement.

The Mount Vernon Nazarene University did nothing while I was trying to raise awareness about the Phil Chalmers event at KTC,
yet The Mount Vernon Nazarene University Cougars took the time to "like" an insult towards me (an insult that was left by an anti-Semite.)

It looks like a scummy, creepy university, using a "Christian" label to look clean.

Those who are familiar with local folklore will tell you; that the gates of hell were rumored to be at Kenyon College — and after all I've seen; I'm left wondering if that rumor started at The Mount Vernon Nazarene University.

Rich Irons
for Toxic Knox County, 2024

Further reading:

Isaiah 5:20
1 Corinthians 2:14
John 16:8
MATTHEW 12:31 - 32

Ariel Foundation Park — years ago; when I read something about it I said "Look at how we're suffering, struggling to aff...

Ariel Foundation Park — years ago; when I read something about it I said "Look at how we're suffering, struggling to afford the cost of living, and this is what the wealthy are doing with their money."

Years later, the cost of living has skyrocketed to the point where we're being crushed.
You know what? The weaker we are, the more powerful they become, and we just keep accepting less.
When anyone calls out Ariel heir Karen Wright for building facades instead of helping, they get gaslighted.

She built "Ariel Arena" for the Nazarene University, I'm sure that they love it, the Nazarene University Cougars have trolled my page already, by the way.
I have much more to say about that, and soon will.

The Woodward Opera House calls her a "friend and mentor", she's involved with that dumpster fire too.

Why would we allow the park to be named "Ariel Foundation Park"?
Why are they asking for volunteers? Because they're unwilling to pay the poor to clean the place up.
Isn't that something?
Karen Wright inherited a fortune, and half of Mount Vernon treats her like a saviour.

Did you notice how the Rastin Observation Tower needed a new light at the top, recently, and the city (taxpayers) had to pay for it?

Rich Irons
for Toxic Knox County, 2024


Have a blessed Good Friday, and a happy Easter.

We can all make Knox County a better place; by telling the truth.


John 16:12-15
12 I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.
13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.
He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.
15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.

Barry Lester, who won the Republican nomination for a county commissioner seat; serves on the board of directors at the ...

Barry Lester, who won the Republican nomination for a county commissioner seat; serves on the board of directors at the Woodward Opera House.

That's the same "non-profit" theater who censored us, and blocked our news page, violating our First Amendment rights.

The Woodward hosted the Republican primary debates, and their board director won in the primary last week.

All coverage of political campaigns will be critical. I won't endorse any candidates; because I don't support liars.

I won't be posting about the presidential election, I'm not even interested in discussing it.
I wouldn't have the time to cover it, even if I wanted to.

Now I will begin to shine a spotlight on Riverside Recovery, Mount Vernon's troubled addiction treatment provider. It's ...

Now I will begin to shine a spotlight on Riverside Recovery, Mount Vernon's troubled addiction treatment provider.

It's well known; that low quality treatment sets up patients to relapse, and return to rehab.
Low quality treatment makes an addict's recovery impossible, and your tax dollars once again end up going to the same facility that failed them before.

According to people who have worked there; they billed Medicaid for days that patients weren't even living in the facility. They also have a history of lax protocols for drug testing.

The owner, Amy Smart, thinks that she can skirt zoning restrictions too. They were over-capacity, on multiple occasions.
There isn't much information available to the public, as usual, but back in 2018; she was housing 12 patients, when she was approved to only house 5.
As a former opioid addict, she should understand that she's failing people that depend on her.

After my articles began reaching more readers; I started hearing about this, and how our local media won't report on it.
Apparently, citizens of Knox county were basically ignored when they reached out to "reputable" and "experienced" papers. I had never even heard of Riverside Recovery, sadly.

It shows how we have an information problem, how our county is crumbling, and how the powerful just want you to avert your eyes.

This is the first part of a series — if you have information about Riverside Recovery; please contact me.

Article by Rich Irons, for
Toxic Knox County


It's unconventional to drop a story over the weekend, I will usually refrain from doing that.I actually just wanted to r...

It's unconventional to drop a story over the weekend, I will usually refrain from doing that.

I actually just wanted to reach out.
Reality can be depressing and stressful, I'm always here if anyone needs to talk — you're not alone.
You shouldn't despair, because knowledge is power, and the more you learn; the stronger you become.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."

Stay tuned, friends.

Knox Technical Center and local law enforcement don't seem to notice a threat when they look at Chalmers. Do you wonder ...

Knox Technical Center and local law enforcement don't seem to notice a threat when they look at Chalmers. Do you wonder why?

Why would Phil Chalmers take a photo of someone's legs, as they lay in the back of a utility van?

Chalmers is putting on his show at Knox Technical Center tomorrow, right by a preschool.

Knox County Career Center

It will be in town this week.Be vigilant.Deuteronomy 27:19 Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourne...

It will be in town this week.
Be vigilant.

Deuteronomy 27:19
Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’


If you learn to do good; stop oppression, and provide justice for the forgotten — you will live a life more fulfilling than a rich man's.

The most wealthy can be proponents of our rights, and our quality of life. Sometimes they are.
The problem is that money tends to corrupt people. Enjoying a greater benefit by improving the lives of others is difficult, but it's still possible.
I think that the best way for them to understand how to help; is to get in touch with our vulnerable communities in Knox County — by going to small churches on Sundays, and volunteering to help the homeless, and New Directions on some of their days off.
More of their resources can make an enormous difference in the lives of people who always had it worse.

Don't waste your chance.

Did you or someone you know endure physical and/or psychological abuse; at the hands of The Knox County Juvenile Probati...

Did you or someone you know endure physical and/or psychological abuse; at the hands of The Knox County Juvenile Probation Department, Juvenile Drug Court, The Alternative Center, local law enforcement, or any of the local schools?
I can tell you from my own personal experience growing up in Knox County; that our local law enforcement protects child abusers instead of keeping the children safe.

Now is your opportunity to tell your story — please send me a message with any details you may have.

The problem with our local media — if you have the money; you can afford to bury a news piece. This is why The Mount Ver...

The problem with our local media — if you have the money; you can afford to bury a news piece. This is why The Mount Vernon News doesn't actually publish news regarding corruption in Knox county.

Knox Pages is based in Richland county, and if you have the money — they can keep your arrest and court case unpublished.

And The Mount Vernon Grapevine, after months of following it - I see that it's main purpose is publishing ads.

This total lack of oversight has gone on for so long; that non-profit organizations don't know how to react, apparently, and they will just block you if you tell the truth about them.
So far, my news page has been blocked by Experience Mount Vernon and The Woodward Opera House.
Expect more details about that, soon.

Coming soon: an examination of Knox County's "non-profit" organizations.Stay tuned!

Coming soon: an examination of Knox County's "non-profit" organizations.
Stay tuned!

Just an update about Knox Technical Center: they disabled comments on their Facebook posts. Anyways, here's a photo of K...

Just an update about Knox Technical Center: they disabled comments on their Facebook posts.
Anyways, here's a photo of Kathy Greenich — the one running the place.

Kathy Greenich is also a board trustee at Mount Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU) and she hired Phil Chalmers to exhibit "s*x, violence, torture and death" photos and videos at KTC.

On November 20, I called Knox Technical Center to express my concerns about the Phil Chalmers event. I spoke to the "per...

On November 20, I called Knox Technical Center to express my concerns about the Phil Chalmers event.
I spoke to the "person in charge"; who failed miserably when given the opportunity to respond in a meaningful way.

Three months later — I'm still fighting it, and KTC is still using that original ad on their website (shown in the comments.)

On their page, they posted a new ad, without mention of "images of s*x, violence torture and death", and they also left out the extremist symbol.
This shows how they know that it's wrong, and are doing it anyways.

It's baffling to me, how Knox Technical Center's website doesn't mention the staff.
I did find this organizational chart, in the student handbook (PDF) on their page — mystery solved.

Knox County Career Center


I want to thank everyone who has liked and followed the page, I appreciate you!

Would you prefer shorter to-the-point articles, or more lengthy ones?
What about reels, and narrated video content?

If you want — feel free to send me a message with suggestions, or leave a comment.

Send a message to learn more

They will trample someone else before they crush you. Don't ever say "it's better them than me"; because it's only a mat...

They will trample someone else before they crush you.
Don't ever say "it's better them than me"; because it's only a matter of time before it is you.

If you see that someone needs an advocate — be an advocate for them. It should be a no-brainer.
If you only look out for yourself, nobody will look out for you.

If you need someone to help you tell the truth — get a hold of me.

After repeated contact with, and eventual stonewalling by Knox Technical Center — they simply posted a new ad for their ...

After repeated contact with, and eventual stonewalling by Knox Technical Center — they simply posted a new ad for their Phil Chalmers event, one that you can't leave comments on.

Here are some of his Facebook posts, and screenshots of messages that one of our contributors has sent to Knox Technical Center.

This is what Knox Technical Center chose, over our community's safety.

He's been here already, and he gets paid with safety grants (your tax dollars) every time.

Two things that everyone complains about, and few can explain — the expensive and horrendous tap water, and the mysterio...

Two things that everyone complains about, and few can explain — the expensive and horrendous tap water, and the mysterious sewer fees in Mount Vernon, Ohio.

We've been told by the water department, over and over again, that we're mistaken; that our clothes are getting mineral stains, despite the fact that they're obviously bleached.

It smells like pool water, and if you wash an article of cotton clothing — it will get bleached in the first wash.
I've also washed clothing that contains synthetics - and those don't get bleached. That's because synthetic fabrics don't bleach as easily, that's science.

I understand that; whenever someone brings it up in Mount Vernon community Facebook groups; people selling water filters spam the comments section. What's worse: they repeat the nonsensical lie that our clothes aren't getting bleached.

If it does that to your clothes, what do you think it does to your skin and digestive tract?
I'm not a doctor, but I'm fairly certain that you shouldn't drink bleach. Plus, if you're taking a hot shower - you're breathing a lot of chlorine dioxide gas.

That's what it is; chlorine dioxide gas.
Mount Vernon uses a method which is relatively uncommon; they inject chlorine dioxide gas into the water.
This is a problem that's been documented for 30 years, and if you mention it to the water department — they will gaslight you.

Why were Mount Vernon citizens charged a sewer fee, when our sewage was just pouring out under the street? They charged us a sewer fee, every month, when we weren't even connected to the city sewer.

What about all the waste that has been flowing into our waterways? They've poisoned everything down river too.

It really is something; how our small local government institutions don't actually work for us.

Article by independent journalist
Rich Irons
Toxic Knox County
A non-toxic independent publication.


I should take a moment to point out that; over the last couple of months — my concerns have been met with defiance, lies, and skepticism.
Our institutions stand with their backs to us.

Stay tuned, and feel free to share the posts.

After a recent school presentation to 11- to 14-year-olds near Omaha, Nebraska, in which photos of dead children feature...

After a recent school presentation to 11- to 14-year-olds near Omaha, Nebraska, in which photos of dead children featured prominently, a parent decried Chalmers's style as traumatic, according to the area's NBC affiliate, writing to him that "your graphic violence is its own form of bullying. This sends kids to a dark place, one they may have never gone to.… I am so disappointed at our school for allowing you in the building."

He claims to have now spoken to 200 juvenile murderers and studied the cases of another thousand over the years... Among the questions he asks those who agree to meet, write or talk to him on the phone are "Did you ma******te? Did you wet the bed? Did you have s*x with your sister?'"

Chalmers also talks about purity in his road show, often beginning his hourlong talk by warning young girls about s*xual promiscuity—and comparing them to cars.
"I talk to the girls about self-esteem. You're either cheap or you're classy, a pickup truck or a Lamborghini, and they get a kick out of that," he says.
"That's a favorite of kids. They'll walk out saying, 'I'm a Lamborghini!'
He insists there's a connection between dressing s*xy and becoming a victim.
..Despite having given these presentations for 30 years, he has not been employed in either a police department or a district attorney's office, nor has he studied criminal justice in school. He never took speech training either, but after becoming a Christian as a teen, he took to the pulpit, warning church youth groups about the dangers of rock music, among other things.

Excerpts from the
Newsweek article
"Phil Chalmers Says He's America's Leading Juvenile Homicide Expert"

By Victoria Bekiempis On 07/15/14

"For approximately $2,000 total, which includes a training weekend in Ohio plus a $1,495 annual fee, you can join his Su...

"For approximately $2,000 total, which includes a training weekend in Ohio plus a $1,495 annual fee, you can join his Sudden Impact Speaking Team. The almost 40 team members who have signed up can make speeches like Chalmers's and sell his merchandise, such as T-shirts and DVDs."

"At least one theologian worried that he was presenting himself as an expert in Christian ethics without formal theological training, while he ramped up the aura of authority by traveling in a flashy tour bus or R.V., with a large entourage."

"Indeed, a large part of Chalmers's appeal is that he comes across as a minister in the truest sense of the term, and that's what his audiences seem to want: He truly attends to the needs of his audience. He tells students, teachers and first responders, who likely live in constant fear of school shootings, what they want to hear—with one quick presentation, they can prevent that which is largely unpreventable."

Excerpts from
The Newsweek article
Phil Chalmers Says He's America's Leading Juvenile Homicide Expert
By Victoria Bekiempis


Mount Vernon, OH



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