Another Level
Another Level was created and designed to provide exposure for Inter-City Gospel talent by way of Stage-Show, Radio, Television, and the Internet. Our mission is to offer a Christian arena to present local and new gospel talent from our surrounding areas. However, we will be more than happy to allow participation from anyone outside of Montgomery who would like to present their gosp
el ministry. Another Level is not a talent show, but rather a talent showcase where Gospel Groups, Choirs, Soloists, (future state maybe: Comedians, Rappers, Poets, Praise Dancers, Drama Teams, Mime Artists and other Gospel ministries) can showcase their talents to glorify God and bring souls to Christ. As you know, there are many talented individuals here in our area, especially our youth, who need to be encouraged to share the gifts and talents that GOD has blessed them with. We at Another Level encourage the development of Gospel creative expression. Performers are permitted to express their talents and ministry through the use of instruments, sound tracks, acappella, (future: spoken word, dance, mime) or whatever creative expressions they choose to use to glorify God. Another Level offers exposure only, and holds no claims to manage, produce, or develop the talent or career of any artist. Another Level is an organization that operates solely on contributions from its participants and supporters. Our main focus is not on financial gain but rather the saving of souls, as God says in his Word, "For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul." We believe if one soul can be saved from hell through our ministry, then we can claim victory in Jesus' Name!! Another Level welcomes all born-again, Spirit-filled believers who desire to serve and praise God with their talent, time and treasure. To become a part of this music ministry, click onto (embed link) and register, or give us a call at (334) # # #- # # for more information. "Be not afraid... and hold not your peace... for I have many people in this city." (Acts 18:9-19)
We must not be "...ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the Power of GOD unto Salvation..." (Rom. 1:16)
God Bless... And may the Grace of God be with you. We thank you for your support of the Gospel through Another Level
If God lays it on your heart to donate, here are the options;