FoolishTimes is a free monthly printed tabloid in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties publishing the best humor we can find (some months we search harder than others) Now however, thanks to Mother Necessity, Al Gore’s invention of the Internet, and a few bucks spent with GoDaddy for we’ve gone global baby! Online Virtual Paper Editions:
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erey County) and you’d like to get a sorta “real feel” for the paper, we have a few options for you. Click on over to and check out our nifty, flashy “page turning” editions of FoolishTimes. Or if you want a more traditional PDF view click on over to
The opinions or ideas expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of FoolishTimes, its owner, advertisers, or associates, or their extended families, or their friends or neighbors, or their associated pets, up to and including cockatiels. All articles, graphics, photographs, and what-not (especially the what-not) are copyrighted by the so-called “writers” and “artists” who contribute them. FoolishTimes uses invented names in all its stories, except in cases where public figures are being satirized. Submissions:
We’re eager to read your stuff, and exploit it to satisfy our sick egos. As that may be the case, you do benefit from your contributions. You get to brag to your mother-in-law at your next Thanksgiving dinner that you’re a published writer. So, simply fill out the Contact Us form and select “I want to write for Foolishtimes” form the “Required Reason” drop down menu. However, submissions must be received by the 15th of each month to be considered for the next publication. Snail-mailed submissions should contain provisions for the snail, and a SASE, otherwise it can’t be returned (stamps are thirty-nine cents, for Pete’s sake!). We offer no payment to contributors at this time (we’re saving to buy stamps). Advertisers:
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