Things might start to look a little different around here as I start utilizing this page for my small business so please be patient with me! This page used to be a catch all of what I didn’t want to spam my personal account with and because of who I am as a person, I got overwhelmed trying to manage it all and just quit. With the changes in Facebook’s algorithms and the way they choose to show the content of digital creators, I’m finding it difficult to share my online store with people. I tried the group route, which I still post in and love but it is limited to private members only and recently I’ve felt an intense urge to start sharing more of what God has already done and continues to do in my life, in hopes of helping you believe He can do the same for you.
So, this is my introductory post. Hi, friend. I’m Jordan. I’m a Jesus follower, wife, mom of two girls, content creator, and the owner of Restoration Co. I started doing social media full time in 2022 and since then I’ve had some incredible opportunities to work with brands, earn an income staying at home, I’ve learned about all things content creation, started (and stopped) a podcast, published 6 journals, launch merchandise, and built 3 separate social media platforms. Would you be surprised to know that none of those things have made me feel happy or accomplished? I used to live life thinking things like “if I just had more followers...” or “once I start my podcast I’ll feel more accomplished” and “i’ll be more liked if i...” Until I had to learn the truth. The cold, hard, truth. Lots of truths, actually. Like, I was craving the approval, acceptance, and love of others so desperately that I was willing to change who I was to get it. I had to learn that there is nothing in this world that can fulfill us. Sure, you can feel passionate about your career and family but jobs fade and children grow up. You can receive temporary satisfaction and success as you climb into a new role, or graduate with a new degree. Those things are all wonderful. They just can’t fill the God size hole that we all have. Have you ever had feelings of disappointment or even sadness after a huge win in your life? It happens often. Then the guilt sets in and you think to yourself “I should be happy, excited and proud of myself” but you just don’t. Thats because your heart and mind both know that the only way we can be fulfilled, content, and experience joy is by submitting to our Heavenly Father and allowing the Holy Spirit to change us. Success will never be measured by money, letters behind your name, how much you achieve, or the companies you own. I hope when you read that you take a big deep breath and release all of the unrealistic expectations you have put on yourself. God has taught me so much over the past 4 years that I can’t wait to share with you. I am praying that you feel encouraged, seen, loved and inspired.
Whether you’re confident in your walk with Jesus or you feel completely broken in your current phase of life, Restoration Co. was created to encourage you through it all. As humans, we tend to overcomplicate most things and our relationship with God is not exempt from that. In fact, I often tell God, “I know what I need to do I just can’t do it right now” and I’m willing to bet, most of you have felt that way, too. If so, it’s okay friend. We’ll get through it together. I am excited for this next season of life and am hopeful that you’ll stick around with me.