Are You Truly "Independent" as an Independent Contractor?
Are You Truly "Independent" as an Independent Contractor? Do You Understand The Designation "Statutory Non-Employee?"
In this video I provide you with facts and links to help you better understand how to run your side Gig or direct sales business. If you see yourself as an influencer, social marketer, network marketer, or any other type of Main Street Entreprenuer, then you may want to watch this video, and review the documents and information located within the links.
2021 Year In Review... And I drop the name of a nasty company pretending to be a legit Forex Trading Co.
Amplifei has just launched an influencer program aimed at Main Street Practitioners in the health and wellness field.
While some companies are folding, merging or being acquired, Amplifei is expanding.
Have You Heard The News Yet?
With so much negative news out there, her is some positive news cor your business!
Has The FTC Enacts An Old Rule To Shut Down The Average Network Marketer?
The Federal Trade Commission has just lost a huge battle in the Supreme Court, and has now brought out an old Rule To clean house. Network Marketing is listed as one of the top 5 industries they are pointing thewir guns... Learn the real facts from attorney Kevin Grimes of Thompon Burton and DonnaMerie Serritella of Direct Sales Compliance Solutions. If you make Income & Health Care Claims about your products because Your CLAIMS ARE TRUE, then you need to watch this intewrview.
Breaking News: AG Speaks Out On Network Marketing!
Breaking Direct Selling News: Utah Attorney General To Speak At The Direct Selling Edge On The Future Of Direct Selling!
We all know that 2016 has been a year of change inside the direct selling industry. But do you really know what this change means for YOU? If you are starting a direct selling channel, running a current company with a network marketing arm, or an independent sales professional wondering on your future, then you do not want to miss the 15th DS Edge Conference.
Without a doubt 2017 will be the start of the NEW Direct Selling Industry. The question is, will you be ready for it, or get left behind?
The DS Edge faculty include:
Kevin Thompson MLM Attorney
Jay Leisner
Karen Clark
Kevin Grimes
And many others...
Herbalife To Restructure USA Network Marketing Arm
Breaking Herbalife News: FTC Doesn't Find Herbalife Guilty Of Running Pyramid! But It Cost Herbalife $200 Million Dollars.
Sherlock Nation Uncovered: Founder Michael Wiedder Shares His ...
Sherlock Nation founder Michael Wiedder reviews the trends and industries, his company and team are pioneering internationally. #SherlockNation #NetworkMarketingNews