Fried chicken and ice cream cake
Leaving 6th grade behind and my birthday in less than a week away, I was actually excited. My grandma had promised to get my favrotie take out and order the only cake any kid wants. My brother and I were living with my grandma and her husband the last couple weeks of school because mom hadn’t paid the rent for the last 3 months. She said she couldn’t bare to see us kids homeless again. Back to sharing a bed with my brother, I stared at the oil lamp that decorated the guest bedroom we were occupying. A clean house, clean sheets, and no real threat of danger was rare for me. I don’t think my brother really understood too much of anything, he was 2 1/2 years younger than me and was attached to mom like a parasite. I couldn’t comprehend the love he had for her. So hearing him cry for her every night became routine and so annoying. Watching the warm glow reflect off the beautiful mahogany dresser I slowly drifted off to sleep.
8am on a Saturday morning came too quickly. My body had become part of the bed. Peeling my limbs off the fresh cotton cloth was almost painful. Grandma liked a clean house more than anything and if we did our chores, we were able to do what our heart desired the rest of the day. Using the hot soapy washcloth on the mop boards, I made my way to his office. The smell of a cologne that would haunt me in my adult years crawled up my nostrils and hit my sinuses like a freight train. It’s like he bathed in it. Grandma told me to get every single mop board which included his off limits office. I didn’t want to hear the nagging but also didn’t want to face his wrath again. I slowly and meticulously cleaned the mop boards making sure to dry them immediately after so that they wouldn’t drip onto his carpet. I was so excited to finish that I stood up a little too fast and my shoulder bumped his desk. The holy grail of operations. I knew I wasn’t supposed to touch anything with my “grubby little fingers” so as I stared at what used to be a glass wolf replica shattered into pieces I could feel my heart sink to my stomach. I quickly gathered all the pieces slicing my hand in the process. I presented it to my grandma on a bloody white washcloth. She didn’t even ask if I was hurt, her gasp could have been heard across town. I explained what happened and I was met with silence. She went online to order another and I was sent to the yard to pick weeds with my fresh wounds.
The fried chicken tasted better than ever before and I couldn’t inhale the ice cream cake fast enough. I looked up from my clean plate about to ask for another slice when I noticed his glare. Pure hatred shot from his eyes like a laser straight into my own. Grandma must have told him. I could never trust her to keep a secret. Even ones I knew were meant to protect me. I washed the dishes after skipping the second slice and put my delicious birthday dinner left overs away. I had some time to read before bed and I wish I had chosen anything but murder mystery. I was pulling back those inviting sheets again when I hear him call my name. He was in the den. I counted my steps like a pirate balancing on a plank. He motioned for me to sit on the couch. The conversation started off normally enough “you should be greatful I love your grandmother enough to let you two disgusting rats live here”. He was only about 2 feet from me but the kettle one vodka on his breath permeated the space like a fog. My mind tends to drift when he speaks to me because it’s never anything close to nice, so when he was centimeters away from my face yelling at the top of his lungs “you’re just like your mother, you’re going to end up on drugs and spreading your legs on the street” “do you hear me c**t?!”. That caught my attention, not like his short chunky fingers squeezing my cheeks into my teeth couldn’t. Nose to nose, spit to face, he blathered on about my horrible future as my mother’s clone. He ended his rant with a good ole “stupid c**t, get to bed and never step foot in my office again”.
I couldn’t have jumped into bed fast enough. I didn’t think his words had any affect on me after years of the same innocuous sp*ech but for some reason I was silently sobbing into my pillow. I could only block out so much, I was terrified of my future. The last thing on earth I ever wanted to be was her.