Behemoth of a Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. #fishing #yellowstonenationalpark #yellowstonecutthroat #trout
No words can describe the feeling when you get the big one #yellowstonecutthroattrout #yellowstone #cutthroattrout #fishing
Big Yella! #yellowstone #flyfishing #cutthroattrout
Glide in. #yellowstone #fireholeriver #browntrout #flyfishing #fishing #hookemhigh
Where to find brown trout. #browntrout #yellowstone #flyfishing #fireholeriver
Sometimes you got to hit em twice! #bassfishing #flyfishing #largemouthbass
Pretty pink lady! #flyfishing #fishing #cutthroattrout #hookemhigh
Float a while. #hookemhigh #kayak #fishing
Mom shows us how it’s done with the catch of the day! #browntrout #flyfishing #hookemhigh
First fish off the fly rod! #mountainwhitefish #flyfishing #hookemhigh
This is what I spend half my time doing while fishing
#hookemhigh #flyfishing #stuckinatree
One of the coolest patterns on a trout! #hookemhigh #tigertrout #southernutah
Fishing surprises me every time. #tigertrout #hookemhigh #southernutah
First tiger in southern Utah #tigertrout #brycecanyon #hookemhigh
I’ll never forget feeling every muscle move on this fish. #deepseafishing #stripedmarlin #hookemhigh
Ever get so excited you forget how to hold a fish? #deepseafishing #hookemhigh #bonito
A smooth slip away #icefishing #trout #utah #rainbowtrout
This is what a 20” Trout looks like swimming away! #trout #cutthroat #utah
It stings more when it’s the only bite all day. #trout #fishing #utahfishing #onethatgotaway
You can keep the Bows!
#rainbowtrout #trout #fishing #utahoutdoors