How do you create agency thought leadership content that makes a mark?
Learn from baseball's best blogger: Kate Preusser, editor in chief of Lookout Landing, a blog site devoted to my beloved Seattle Mariners (yes, I am biased). Kate and the other writers at Lookout Landing are committed to “service journalism.” To meet their “service journalism” standard, all articles are reviewed by asking three key questions:
1. Does the content inform, enlighten, or entertain?
2. What is the value-add in asking people to spend time reading this article as opposed to doing something else?
3. Who does this help, and how?
Putting this framework all together, great agency thought leadership content is:
- Written with a specific audience in mind
- Provides that audience with useful, valuable knowledge
- Is special in that it informs, enlightens or entertains
Try using these filters in your agency content and let us know how it goes.
And - once you buy into the above framework, you can put it to work best by reading one of the best books on agency content ever written: Sell with Authority by our good friends Drew McLellan and Stephen Woessner.
Read more below!
There is much that agencies can learn from baseball. Talent matters. You need a balanced roster. There are more contenders than winners. Only one team can win the (pitch) tournament. And content matters. Great content connects you with your key audiences. It gives people a reason to pay attention. A...