In Genesis we read that "In the beginning, God created..."
But In John, we read "In the beginning, was the Word...".
There is a difference between the emphasis of Genesis and the emphasis of John.
What we are shown in Genesis is the history of the earth; but in John we are shown the history of the Word.
In Genesis, the earth is without the Word; while in John, the Word is outside the earth.
In Genesis, God speaks and thus - the earth is replenished and clothed by the Word. In John, the Word is clothed by earth, becomes flesh, and dwells among us.
Thus, in Genesis, we become men of the earth, of the dust; for we read that this begat that and that begat this; but in John, we are men of the Word for we are born not of blood, nor of the will of man, nor of the will of the flesh...
But of God.
Genesis is the crown of Old Testament revelation, and John is the crown of New Testament revelation.
What is present, but hidden in the beginning of Creation; is fully revealed in the face of Jesus, the Word of God.
This means that before creation, before Genesis, before the foundations of the earth was laid; God had already spoken about us, in the Word.
When there was neither sun, nor moon, nor mountains, nor trees, nor buildings, nor seas, nor winters nor springs. ..We were called in Him, chosen in Him, foreknown in Him, predestinated in Him, perfected in Him.
So while Moses from the angle of God's back writes that "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth; John is bold and declares "in the beginning, was the Word!"
What Moses is saying is that "God created you, and formed you", but what John shows us is that clearly shows that God turns around gazes at his creation and says..."Before I created you, I loved you".
Thus Genesis relates creation to formation, but John relates creation to election.
Election is not secondary to creation. Election is primary. We were not chosen before we were created. We were created because we had been chosen.
We are not special because we are male or female, black or white, tall or short. No. We are special because we are loved. We have always been loved.
Before the world was.
The New Testament precedes the Old Testament. In time, it comes after the Old; but in reality, before there was a creation, in the beginning was the Word. The Old Testament is the shadow of the New, and there cannot be a shadow if the Substance is not already present. We see the Old first, but the New was already present producing that shadow.
God asked Abraham to offer Isaac and then provided a lamb, to demonstrate that He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Even though we read of this in John 3:16, the Lamb of God had already been slain before creation (Revelation 13:8)
Therefore we do not count our beginning from earth or from Genesis. We count it from God.
We are His own children.
Someone might be reading this and feeling a burning in the heart. This is because the New Testament is for you. Only Jesus can fill the aching void. You feel empty because you have always thought You are special because you look beautiful. No. You are special because God loved you and knew you before you were born, or even had a face to make up.
He still does. And forever will. This is why the Word became flesh. It is why Jesus came.
Simply say this prayer "Heavenly Father, I come to you today. I believe in Jesus Christ your Son. I believe He died for me and was raised again. Today, I put my faith in Him as my Lord and personal Savior. Thank you Father, for new life"
If you have said this prayer, it is important you join a Bible believing church, and get to know more about your new life in Christ Jesus.
Welcome to the New Testament.
Happy Sunday.