PoliceDriver.Com is a source of information for the Professional Driving Instructor. The site is based on the principle that vehicle dynamics is the foundation of all driver training programs. As a driver trainer, at any level of instruction, in-depth knowledge of vehicle dynamics is a must. Understanding vehicle dynamics can increase the level of professionalism of the trainer and their program.
The Driver Training Profession
As a driver trainer, at any level of instruction, in-depth knowledge of vehicle dynamics is a must. Vehicle Dynamics
For decades, there has been research and data that allows the driver trainer to better understand how drivers make decisions in emergencies. The result of this research is the advancements in creating proactive driver training – measuring driving skill and survivability in an emergency. For some inexplicable reason, most of this information is largely ignored by the driver training community. When considering the lifesaving skills that need to be taught, driver training cannot be based on personal opinion or unsubstantiated doctrine. The Science of Driving
Most trainers shy away from using the science of driving as a training tool. For most people, their only exposure to the science and the laws of physics is what they were taught in high school. With all due respect to high schools, the subject is mired in books and seems to have no practical value.PoliceDriver.com will explain the laws of physics and their application to driver training in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.