AGATES make me so happy Theres nothing more I enjoy than to go out in nature and look for beautiful rocks #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
HUGE iron stained agate #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
INSANE Tubeeyecarnelian This crick is just full of suprises Definitely worth the long hike agate #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
All of these HUGE mind blowing agates all right next to eachother This crick is loaded with big agates Must be at the spot where they originate from yay agate #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
My friend and I were digging for agates and found thee most amazing banded chunks that Ive ever found in the PNW #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
I was strugglinggg to get this agate out agate #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
Night or day. cold or sunny. Were Rockhounding We were wandering the woods for run offs and found a bunch of agates #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
absolutely insanely beautiful carnelian all cleaned up This piece makes me sooo happy agate #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
The bandings on these agates are insane We were digging for agates and finding tons of them all over agate #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
Love me some carnelian agate rockhunting carnelian pnw wa rockhound #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
Yall. my friends and I found over 100 pounds in agate today. This reset has been nuts agate rockhunting carnelian pnw wa rockhound #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology
That fine banding on the white one reminds me of lake superiors agates agate rockhunting carnelian pnw wa rockhound #rock #agatedad #idaho #geode #agate #geology