Do you know your "WHY"?
This is a lesson from a process I did in 2023 and is a reminder of keeping your "why" in front of what you do?
If you know why you are doing something, than you can know what success looks like, and you won't get too caught up in the individual tasks just to miss the target.
"Clarity is power"
"If you wonder what the "Process" is, it is a powerful tool we use to leverage the difficult things in life to grow and learn.
#why #clarity #process #reminder #success #target #power
Is Perfectionism a Curse or a Hidden Gift?
Have you ever felt like your perfectionism is holding you back?
I used to break down over the smallest mistakes in my woodworking—literally wanted to throw away my first cutting board so no one could see it. My family laughed, but what felt like a curse turned out to be my greatest asset.
Sometimes, our weaknesses are actually just our strengths over done. 🤜
with The Idaho Painter
#Perfect #gifts #family #heart #soul ##strength #laugh
Can wood get wet and not rot???
Did you know wood can get wet a many times and never rot? 💧 It’s not the water that causes the damage—it’s the lack of a way to dry. Think about that. What in your life is “rotting” because you’re not letting the fresh air in to dry it out? 🤔
with Jason Bekebrede from Monticello Custom Homes & Remodeling
#water #wood #life #thinking #carpentry #woodworking
How to build a successful strong business? The same way you build a strong body.
Yep, there are so many principles that apply across the board, and I think one of them is to go slow enough that you can work the system correctly (good form) and fast enough that you can fail (max out your reps) and find your weak spots and improve them.
Can You Really Become the Best Without a Teacher?
Is it possible to become the best at what you do without formal training? 🎨🛠️ Chris Berry did just that—self-taught, problem-solving, and refining his craft until he became one of the best painters out there. Think skill is all about schooling, or is there another way? Drop your thoughts below! ⬇️
with The Idaho Painter
#comment #teacher #best #training #learning #skills
What is your identity?
No, really. What is your identity? Do you even have one? Or do you just take whaf others say about you as yours?
Here is an example of the importance of identity.
Identity is the core of everything you do and what you believe.
We have What we call CSCs.
If you want to learn more, DM me and I'll send you a free training on how to take control of your identity.
It is time to go ALL IN! 🤜🔥
If your "WHY" doesn't make you cry, it ain't gonna fly
You think you know your "why," but do you really?
Why MUST you rise?
Why MUST you find freedom?
Why MUST you learn to provide abundantly for your family?
Why MUST you get fit and healthy?
Most people say it’s for their family, their freedom, or their future—but when pressure hits, they crumble. If your "why" isn’t strong enough, neither is your foundation. So let me ask you… Do you truly know your WHY? 🤔🔥
#family #freedom #RISE #health #fitness #future #people #strong
Do you feel stuck?
Maybe what you did worked and isn't working anymore.
It is time to level up.
What got you to where you are in life will not get you to where you are going.
Stay open minded and humble as you grow. The journey never ends.
If you wonder what the "Process" is, it is a powerful tool we use to leverage the difficult things in life to grow and learn.
It is time to go ALL IN! 🤜🔥
#allin #levelup #working #life #open #grow
Are You a 'Someday' Person?
Why are you still waiting for "someday"? The truth is, someday will never come. You have to decide today who you need to become and take daily action to make it happen. What’s holding you back from starting now? 💥
#waiting #truth #action #God #today #AllIn
Results don't care about your feelings. There, I said it. Get offended all you want. ❤️
So you don't FEEL like connecting with your wife because she is "emotional"? So what.
You don't FEEL like figuring out how to make more money to get your family out of generational poverty?
You don't FEEL like meditating and listening to the divine voice wanting to guide you?
You don't FEEL like working out? Oh, it's because you have a full day of work ahead, or are you tired from yesterday? Yeah, so am I, and so is everyone else.
Your lame a** excuses are letting your feelings dictate your life. STOP IT!
You have a divine calling and purpose on this earth. Jesus didn't even feel like doing what was required, but He still did.
It is time to go ALL IN! 🤜🔥
Is Your Messy Home Holding You Back?
What if the chaos and mess in your home is the reason every part of your life feels out of balance? You lack peace because of your environment.
Imagine fixing that and, 12 months from now, living with peace, joy, and fulfillment. Are you ready to do what is required to make that change? 🏡✨
#home #balance #peace #Environment #joy #ALLIN