I can no longer afford chips, so my kids are in withdrawal. They started eating uncooked ramen, and I soon realized it's because it's the closest thing to chips we have in the house. So I lightly wet 2 sides of ramen and put a bunch of seasoning on it (chili powder, salt, pepper, a little cumin) and threw it in the dehydrator. It was perfectly dry, crunchy and spicy within an hour. Now I'm going to make the DIY Taki seasoning and make them a bunch. $.025 per bag vs close to $6 for chips here now. Next I'm going to try the siracha oyster crackers and then the watermelon rind gummies.
Not long after I got custody, I found my granddaughter curled up on the couch softly crying "Please don't let me die" over and over. We'd run out of eggs and she was still eating 8 meals a day because when I got them, they were very malnourished. Running out of eggs frightened her and brought back memories.
I decided I will not let her worry about that again, so I'm trying to find comfort foods, snack foods, things that make them feel they are not doing without - to replace the things we can no longer find or afford. And they ARE tasty!