The electric car isn’t about saving the earth, it’s about control.
This guy asks a lot of great questions
The last few days have been amazing days we live in. CNN is under fire, you and I am under fire and why? Listen in, we have the answer!
70/30 interesting CNN is now revisiting their numbers with regards to hospitalizations with and for COVId
Remember when Trump went and cleared that church before he went out? Keep that same energy folks!
What do you think is real? #Liberalism #TheTruthShallSetUsFree
Follow the science 3 years in. #tyranny
Why do you think any party can lie to you? Cramer has it right.
Thought this deserved some light. Some democrats are starting to take the red pill.
See when you #doyourfrickenjob and apply #criticalthoughts it’s amazing what clarity exists! Couldn’t have said this better. #redpill #no2roe #roevwade #states
Truth with humor, way to go sir!
2A on full display
The 2nd Amendment of full display live and in Kodachrome #russia #biden #ukraine #russia #2a #billofrights #foundingfathers #nowar
Say it ain’t so liberals?!?!?
Where did all the flowers go long time passing? #ukraine #putin #war #liberalismisamentalillness #liberallogic #meantweets #biden #draft #unvaxed
Unfaking the News
She has woken up. Will you? #unfakethenews #media #msm #bias
What do you believe? #media #scriptedmedia #fakenewsmedia #america
The brain wash is real
#Liberals #HailHydra #Fauci praise to a false god! #science #blindobediance #fakenews #doyourfrickenjob