We live in a society where if another person is experiencing troubles, we grumble that our time is being impeded upon. Traffic on the highway, someone is in an accident, the main chatter is about how the traffic is horrible and slowing us down. The energy is frustration and irritation about the self. No concern for the other human being that was just hurt. Someone passes out on the subway, causes all the trains to stop. People complain they will be late to wherever they are going. No concern for the human being that needs attention or care.
We wonder why so many people are taking their lives. Why there is a mental health crisis. Well, just look at the way we respond when someone else is in need. We respond with judgement, contempt, and disregard. We are all apart of the issue. We all contribute to the collective mindset of “it’s not my problem…”. But truthfully, we all created these problems. So far away from community. We have forgotten what it means to love our neighbor. I wonder if we will ever wake up and remember who we truly are.
Thoughts on a Sunday. Simply sharing.