This Sunday, January 23rd at 1pm EST/ 6pm UK/ 7pm CET join us to discuss Betty Shamieh’s debut novel “Too Soon” with the author (published by Simon & Schuster). Hosted by Rana Asfour.
With biting hilarity, “Too Soon” introduces us to a trio of bold and unforgettable voices. This dramatic saga follows one family’s epic journey fleeing war-torn Jaffa in 1948, chasing the American Dream in Detroit and San Francisco in the sixties and seventies, hustling in the New York theatre scene post-9/11, and daring to stage a show in Palestine in 2012. Upon learning one of them is living on borrowed time, the three women fight to live, make art, and love on their own terms. A funny, sexy, and heart-wrenching literary debut, Too Soon illuminates our shared history and asks, how can we set ourselves free?
🎟️ RSVP here to participate: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/-Co4g4NHRHy1y3d9Mn5Djw
#themarkazreview #tmrbookclub #upcomingevents #bookclub #books #meettheauthor
Our February issue, TMR 48 • MEMOIR, is now live!
What do we choose to remember, and what do we choose to forget? A special monthly issue devoted to the genre of memoir...
🔗 Dive in here: https://bit.ly/tmr-48-memoir
Featuring work by: Farah Ahamed, Rana Asfour, Dia Barghouti, Rana Haddad, Malu Halasa, Jiyar Homer, Hannah Fox, Baxtyar Hamasur, Francisco Letelier, Todd Reisz, Chin-chin Yap, Odai Al Zoubi, and Mostafa Nodeh.
#themarkazreview #tmr48 #memoir #newissue #essays #poetry #art #photography #fiction #literature #shortstory
Sumūd: A New Palestinian Reader launches on Jan 21st!
📖 Coming soon: a new anthology co-edited by TMR editors Malu Halasa and Jordan Elgrably “Sumūd: A New Palestinian Reader” launches Jan 21st! Published by Seven Stories Press.
The Arabic word sumūd is often loosely translated as “steadfastness” or “standing fast.” It is, above all, a Palestinian cultural value of everyday perseverance in the face of Israeli occupation. Sumūd is both a personal and collective commitment; people determine their own lives, despite the environment of constant oppressions imposed upon them.
“Sumūd” is an anthology that celebrates the power of culture in Palestinian resistance, with selections of memoir, short stories, essays, book reviews, personal narrative, poetry, and art from The Markaz Review.
The essays, stories, poetry, art and personal narrative collected in "Sumūd: A New Palestinian Reader" is a rich riposte to those who would denigrate Palestinians’ aspirations for a homeland. It also serves as a timely reminder of culture’s power and importance during occupation and war.
🔗 Learn more and pre-order now: https://bit.ly/tmr-books
Featuring contributions by: Ahed Tamimi, Ilan Pappe, Tahrir Hamdi, Hossam Madhoun, Sara Roy, Ivar Ekeland, Khalil Rabah, Mosab Abu Toha, Taysir Batniji, Saleem Haddad, Karim Kattan, Olivia Snaije, Ahmed Twaij, Vanished - By Ahmed Masoud, Noor Hindi, Samir Harb, Layla Alammar, Eman Quotah, قصص مايا أبو الحيات Maya Abualhayyat children stories, Dena Takruri, كاريكاتير سباعنة Sabaaneh Cartoon, Zeina Azzam, Diane Shammas, Saeed Taji Farouky, Adam Broomberg, Rafael Gonzalez, Raja Shehadeh, Jo Glanville, Haneen Nazzal, Mohammed El-Kurd, Rana Salman, Fadi Quran, Chloé Benoist, Rula Halawani, Brett Kline, Fadi Kattan, Nora Ounnas Leroy, Ahmad Almallah, Raeda Saadeh, Maurice Ebileeni, Nawal Qasim Baidoun, Tayseer Barakat, Jenine Abboushi, Heba Tannous, Yousef M. Aljamal, Hadani Ditmars, Tony Litwinko, Nadine Aranki, Hala Alyan,
Our December/January double issue, TMR 47 • GENRE FICTION, is now live!
As Literary Editor, Malu Halasa writes in the editorial, “For many, genre fiction is escapism pure and simple. But can the form hint at solutions, and suggest a possible way out? Through the mechanisms of reading and dreaming, surely an individual has the possibility of stealing themselves to harsh realities. The writing may be varied, but in the end it comes down to the power of storytelling.”
🔗 Dive into the issue now: https://bit.ly/tmr-47-genre-fiction
Featuring work by: Malu Halasa, Larissa Sansour, Mansoura Ez Eldin - منصورة عز الدين, Ibrahim Fawzy, Fatima El-Kalay, Hussain Fawzy, Rana Asfour, May Haddad, Huda Hamed, Zia Ahmed, Fil Inocencio Jr., Azher Jirjees, Yasmeen Hanoosh, Katie Logan, Bel Parker, Marcia Lynx Qualey, Elizabeth Rauh, Khairy Shalaby, Michael Cooperson, Ra Singh, Natasha Tynes, Nihad Sherif, Lina Mounzer, Parand, Abdul Bacet Khurram, Shamsia and Susan Abulhawa.
#themarkazreview #tmr47 #genrefiction #doubleissue #fiction #art #excerpts #reviews #photography #essays
Day of the Imprisoned Writer Roundtable Discussion
Writers in prison should have been a phrase entering extinction after the death of fascism at the end of World War II. Instead, there are more incarcerated writers in the world today than at perhaps any time since WWII. From the famous cases of Alaa Abd El-Fattah in Egypt and Narges Mohammadi in Iran to the little-known poets & writers in jail across the globe, PEN International marks November 15th each year as The Day of the Imprisoned Writer.
In collaboration with PEN International, TMR’s Editor-in-Chief Jordan Elgrably spoke with novelists Ahdaf Soueif and Maaza Mengiste with writer Mina Thabet from PEN International earlier this week about what can be done to put an end to the incarceration of writers, and the persecution of freedom of expression.
🔗 Watch the full discussion now: https://bit.ly/day-of-the-imprisoned-writer-replay
#themarkazreview #eventreplay #roundtablediscussion #dayoftheimprisonedwriter
Our November issue, TMR 46 • ANIMALS, is now live! This issue deliberately eschews the binary and inspirational relationship between the proverbial “man and beast."
🔗 Dive into the issue here: https://bit.ly/tmr-46-animals
Featuring work by: Malu Halasa, Ghassan Ghassan, Lin May Saeed, Arie Amaya-Akkermans, Naima Morelli, Omid Tofighian, Moones Mansoubi, Behrouz Boochani, Izzeldin Bukhari, Jelena Sofronijevic, Tarlan Lotfizadeh, Siobhán Shilton, Charlotte Bank, Adham Faramawy, Ouma, Mohammad Shaqdih, Shadab Zeest Hashmi, Laila al-Othman, Ibrahim Fawzy, Farnaz Haeri, Salar Abdoh, Yahia Lababidi, Manal Mahamid, Khaled Hafez, Damien Hirst, Walid Raad, Wael Shawky, Thuraya Al-Baqsami and Parviz Tanavoli.
#themarkazreview #tmr46 #animals #latestissue #essays #fiction #shortstories #art #photography #books #memoir
Each month, where we bring you not only poems but also the poets themselves in Poetry Markaz.
Today we’re highlighting Kimiko Hahn. She presents two poems from her forthcoming collection, "The Ghost Forest: New and Selected Poems" from W.W. Norton.
🔗 Explore her work here: https://bit.ly/kimiko-hahn-shares-two-poems-from-the-ghost-forest
#themarkazreview #poetrymarkaz #poetry #poems #latestpoets #monthlyhighlight
Our October issue FROM HERE, ONE YEAR ON is now live.
It is undeniable that the brutality of the war on Gaza has revealed much to us over the course of this endless year — not just about ourselves and the world order under which we live, but even about the way we interpret history.
Our October issue is a reflection on a year of profound grief and newfound international radicalization with personal essays, analytical explorations, fictional stories, art, photography, film and other creative expression from all over the world, exploring what the war on Gaza has changed for you, today, from where you’re standing, one year on.
Including work by: Stuart Bailie, Jordan Elgrably, Amal Ghandour, Malu Halasa, Katie Logan, Lina Mounzer, Samina Najmi, Viola Shafik, Ziad Suidan, MK Harb, Nasser Rabah, Amanee Izhaq and Mai Al-Nakib.
Featured artist: Khaled Jarrar
Cover art: Tom Young Art ('Asphxiated City (Angelus Novus)', oil on canvas, 180cm x 250cm)
🔗 Dive into the issue now: https://bit.ly/tmr-45-from-here-one-year-on
#themarkazreview #tmr45 #fromhereoneyearon #newissue #comingsoon #essays #fiction #art #photgraphy #film #gaza
Poetry Markaz - Rooja Mohassessey
Each month, where we bring you not only poems but also the poets themselves in Poetry Markaz.
Today we’re highlighting Rooja Mohassessy. She presents two poems from her debut collection, “When Your Sky Runs Into Mine” from Elixir Press.
🔗 Dive into her work here: https://bit.ly/rooja-mohassessy-presents-2-poems-from-when-your-sky-runs-into-mine
#themarkazreview #poetrymarkaz #poetry #poems #latestpoets #monthlyhighlight
9.23 Vidéo recap festival arabesques.mp4
Nous avons eu le plaisir de réaliser des rencontres littéraires et poétiques au Festival Arabesques avec Coline Houssais, Rachida Belkacem & Karim Kattan. Un grand merci à toute l’équipe du Festival Arabesques.
#themarkazreview #retoursenimages #recap #festivalarabesques #rencontreslitteraires #evenements
In this week’s roundup, we’re bringing you more events happening this month around the world from our editors’ September World Picks.
🔗 Dive into the full article for more details here: https://bit.ly/september-world-picks-from-the-editors
#themarkazreview #tmrweekly #worldpicks #editorspicks #events #art #music #film #books