Does your health plan cover chiropractic visits? “In Need Of Chiropractic Care” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthshare #healthshareplan #doctor #healthcare #healthinsurance #chiropractic #chiropractor #backpain #medical#medicaltreatment
Have you ever not gotten medical treatment when you needed it because of the expense? “When You Don’t Want To Go To The ER Because Of Money” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthshare #healthshareplan #doctor #healthcare #healthinsurance #emergencyroom #burn #ice #medicalcosts #urgentcare #burntreatment
Ever pay too much for premiums and then can’t get in to see someone? “Is There Something Better?” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthshare #healthshareplan #doctor #healthinsurancepremiums #health#healthcare #healthinsurance #healthinsuranceoptions #healthinsurancepolicy #hospital #medical #medicalinsurance #medicine
Have you ever had a doctor that didn’t really help you? “Don’t Like Your Doctor” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthshare #healthshareplan #doctor #bedsidemanner #thyroid #health #doctorchoice #medical #doctorappointment
Do you feel like you’ve already cut as much as you can? “Inflation Is Out Of Hand” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #inflation #costofliving #groceries #risingcosts #parenthood #healthshare #healthshareplan #frustration #highcost #inflationnation
Do you feel like you pay a lot and hardly ever go in? “Maybe There’s More Options” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthcare #medicalbenefits #healthshare #betterbenefits #healthshareplan #outofpocket #medicalinsurance #frustration #highcost #employeebenefits
Who should get to work for themselves? “Can’t Quit Your Job” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthcare #medicalbenefits #healthshare #betterbenefits #healthshareplan #outofpocket #medicalinsurance #selfemployedbenefits #worksucks#selfemployedhealthcare #quityourjob
Ever been sticker-shocked? “Fun Surprises When You’re Out Of Pocket” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthcare #medicalbenefits #healthshare #betterbenefits #healthshareplan #outofpocket #medicalinsurance #lowcosthealth #prescription #pharmacy
Have you ever heard of a Health Share? “What’s A Health Share?” (DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthcare #medicalbenefits #healthshare #betterbenefits #healthshareplan #medicalinsurance #lowcosthealth
Have you ever needed medical treatment when you’re traveling?“Stepped On A Bee On Vacation” (Based on a true story. DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthcare #medicalbenefits #healthplan #steppedonabee #bee #medicalinsurance
Does your health coverage include preventative care? “No Preventative Care” (Based on a true story. DM me with your health care story.) #skit #healthcare #medicalbenefits #healthplan #chiropractic #accupuncture #thermography #vitamins #supplements
Ever been in this situation?“Stuck In The Urgent Care Waiting Room” (Based on a true story. DM me with your health care story.) #healthcare #urgentcare #waitingroom #medicalbenefits #healthplan #kids #fever #sick #sickkids #water