I am so excited!!!
Designs By Sherri is going public very soon! I am teaming up with another person that happens to be a independent developer, she and I share some of the same thoughtful ideas to build new affordable housing. We will welcome all but our main focus is too get teens, that are aged out of foster care, with no family, off the streets. This opportunity is not only to house them, we are looking to hire them, train them, teach them new skills in everything that reflect in, construction, real estate and becoming caregivers. We will provide them with resources to help guide them in whatever career path they desire to go in, but we are hoping that they will become a extention of Sherri Designing Team. We are Family looking forward to getting Families off the street.
My new business associates are currently building new apartments throughout Southern California. We are offerings top notch construction services that includes; new construction from the ground up, large and small renovations. Housing developments that include a large number of units and corporate warehouses.
Our contractors are highly experienced, licensed bonded and insured as well as our outside independent subcontractors that we occasionally hired for big jobs. We work effortlessly with our vendors and suppliers to get our clients the lowest price in material needed for your project, we offer high end in quality this includes furniture and all other house furnishings.
We make miracles happen with any budget that best fits your pockets so call me and then you’ll come home to tranquillity like so many of our clientele.
Thank you in advance for supporting Sherri’s Designs, and by supporting me you are definitely making a huge difference in helping our youth and communities throughout Los Angeles Ca.
FYI: Coming soon
*Sherri’s Designs page for business purposes only
*GoFund account
All donations are greatly welcomed and appreciated and the funds will be used in this investment to help foster youth and single mother’s.
God bless you thank you again for the support and please be safe.