🇪🇹A SHOCKING video execution of a young man in Ethiopia, leaving the nation in shock.
Followers Abyssinian Habesha
The footage shows a man in his twenties, bound and forced to sit before his family, before being shot at point-blank range. The location and timing remain unknown, but the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) claims this atrocity occurred in Oromia. In a graphic message shared on X, the OLA accused the government of carrying out such brutal acts regularly. While the video has sparked outrage on social media, the identities of those involved remain unverified.
🇪🇹በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የአንድ ወጣት መገደል የሚያሳይ አስደንጋጭ ቪዲዮ ወጣ፣ ህዝቡን አስደንግጧል። ምስሉ የሚያሳየው በሃያዎቹ ውስጥ የሚገኝ አንድ ሰው ታስሮ በቤተሰቡ ፊት ለመቀመጥ ተገዶ ባዶ ቦታ ላይ በጥይት ከመተኮሱ በፊት ነው። ቦታው እና ጊዜው አልታወቀም ነገር ግን የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ሰራዊት (ኦኤላ) ይህ አሰቃቂ ድርጊት በኦሮሚያ መፈጸሙን ይናገራል። በኤክስ ላይ በተጋራው ስዕላዊ መልእክት ላይ፣ OLA መንግስትን እንዲህ አይነት አረመኔያዊ ድርጊቶችን በየጊዜው ይፈጽማል ሲል ከሰዋል። ቪዲዮው በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ቁጣን የቀሰቀሰ ቢሆንም፣ የተሳተፉት ሰዎች ማንነት ግን አልተረጋገጠም።
#ethiopia #ethiopianews #abiyahmedali #ethiopiantiktok #reels #africanews #fanoamhara #ethiopian #somalia #kenya #eritrea #africa #news #politics #Ethiopianhistory #culture #africantiktok
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🇪🇹A SHOCKING video execution of a young man in Ethiopia, leaving the nation in shock.
Followers Abyssinian Habesha
The footage shows a man in his twenties, bound and forced to sit before his family, before being shot at point-blank range. The location and timing remain unknown, but the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) claims this atrocity occurred in Oromia. In a graphic message shared on X, the OLA accused the government of carrying out such brutal acts regularly. While the video has sparked outrage on social media, the identities of those involved remain unverified.
🇪🇹በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የአንድ ወጣት መገደል የሚያሳይ አስደንጋጭ ቪዲዮ ወጣ፣ ህዝቡን አስደንግጧል። ምስሉ የሚያሳየው በሃያዎቹ ውስጥ የሚገኝ አንድ ሰው ታስሮ በቤተሰቡ ፊት ለመቀመጥ ተገዶ ባዶ ቦታ ላይ በጥይት ከመተኮሱ በፊት ነው። ቦታው እና ጊዜው አልታወቀም ነገር ግን የኦሮሞ ነጻነት ሰራዊት (ኦኤላ) ይህ አሰቃቂ ድርጊት በኦሮሚያ መፈጸሙን ይናገራል። በኤክስ ላይ በተጋራው ስዕላዊ መልእክት ላይ፣ OLA መንግስትን እንዲህ አይነት አረመኔያዊ ድርጊቶችን በየጊዜው ይፈጽማል ሲል ከሰዋል። ቪዲዮው በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ቁጣን የቀሰቀሰ ቢሆንም፣ የተሳተፉት ሰዎች ማንነት ግን አልተረጋገጠም።
#ethiopia #ethiopianews #abiyahmedali #ethiopiantiktok #reels #africanews #fanoamhara #ethiopian #somalia #kenya #eritrea #africa #news #politics #Ethiopianhistory #culture #africantiktok
#Ethiopianewslive #EthiopianNewstoday #africanews #newsafrica #fano #amhara #Oromo #oromoliberationfront #cnn #bbc #breakingnews
😮Jawar Mohammed Interview 2024
#Jawarmohammed #reels #habesha
In the shifting sands of Ethiopia’s socio-political landscape, few figures have emerged as polarizing and impactful as Jawar Mohammed. A political activist, media mogul, and symbol of Oromo nationalism, Jawar’s journey is a compelling narrative of resilience, defiance, and the pursuit of justice in a nation fraught with challenges. 🌍✊
A Voice for the Oromo Struggle
Born in Ethiopia's Oromia region, Jawar’s early life was marked by a profound awareness of ethnic marginalization. As an advocate for the Oromo people—the country’s largest ethnic group—he became a staunch critic of Ethiopia’s centralized governance model. His rallying cry for justice and equality resonated with millions, catapulting him to the forefront of the Oromo struggle.
Through his leadership and the establishment of Oromia Media Network (OMN), Jawar provided a platform for voices often silenced. His ability to articulate the grievances of the Oromo people, combined with his strategic use of media, sparked movements that challenged the status quo and forced the government to confront decades of systemic oppression.
Ethnic Federalism: Champion or Challenger?
Jawar’s advocacy for ethnic federalism, a system granting regional autonomy based on ethnicity, has been both celebrated and criticized. Supporters hail him as a defender of marginalized communities, while critics argue that such policies exacerbate ethnic divisions. This duality defines much of his political journey, as he navigates the fine line between unifying a nation and empowering individual identities.
Moments of Controversy
Jawar’s activism has not been without controversy. His outspoken nature and ability to mobilize massive protests have made him a target of both admiration and criticism. Arrested in 2020 on charges many viewed as politically motivated, his detention highlighted Ethiopia’s ongoing struggle with democratic reform. Yet eve
🇪🇹Haile Selassie I: Architect of Modern Ethiopia
Haile Selassie I, born Tafari Makonnen, emerged as a transformative leader in Ethiopia’s history. His rise began as governor of Harar and Sidamo, where he implemented reforms emphasizing education, trade, and centralization. Named regent in 1916 under Empress Zewditu, Ras Tafari strengthened Ethiopia’s global standing, securing its admission to the League of Nations in 1923. His diplomatic acumen and modernizing agenda, including military and infrastructure improvements, laid the foundation for a unified Ethiopian state.
#Ethiopia #Ethiopian #haileselassie
Crowned emperor in 1930, Haile Selassie inherited a fragmented empire facing internal resistance and external threats. His reforms sought to modernize Ethiopia while preserving its sovereignty, making him a symbol of African resistance to colonialism. However, his efforts to centralize power and introduce land reforms were met with opposition from the feudal elite.
Haile Selassie’s leadership was tested during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War (1935–1936). Despite fierce resistance, Ethiopia succumbed to Italy’s superior military force, forcing the emperor into exile. From abroad, Haile Selassie championed Ethiopia’s cause, delivering a historic speech at the League of Nations in 1936, warning of the global consequences of unchecked aggression. His prophetic words, “It is us today. It will be you tomorrow,” resonated worldwide, cementing his status as a global symbol of anti-fascism.
In 1941, Allied forces, with Ethiopian resistance fighters, liberated Ethiopia from Italian occupation. Haile Selassie’s triumphant return marked the restoration of Ethiopian sovereignty and his commitment to rebuilding the nation. He prioritized education, establishing schools and universities, and modernized Ethiopia’s military and infrastructure, creating a foundation for progress.
Beyond Ethiopia, Haile Selassie was a prominent Pan-Africanist. He played a
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