Relationships require balance. Look for the flags, or lights, and use caution when there’s more red than green. #narcissusm #empathy #redflagsinrelationships #greenflagsinrelationships #yellowflagsinrelationships #balance #balancedrelationships #adriandianejernigan #masteringanawakenedlifetogether #MAALT /#lifecoach #lofecoaching
The dark night is very confusing, uncomfortable, even agonizing. It goes on in the depth of your soul & is part of a major transformation. It’s like being in a boat, in a storm, between two shores. It’s walking through the darkness to get to the light., Do not resist, it will persist. With faith, walk towards the light. It will get better over time! #adriandianejernigan #masteringanawakenedlifetogether #MAALT #spirituality #lifecoaching #walktowardsthelightofgod #faith
If you have any doubt that God exists, you need to watch the sequence of events that just happened to me since 1:22 this morning. MIRACLES!!! SYNCHRONICITY!!! YOU CSNNOT MAKE IT UP!!!! @followers
Hallelujah IT’S NOT OVER YET!!!
It’s like my parents are singing to me!!! Watch what comes next!!!
Next, You Raise M Up comes on, mine and my mother’s song!!!
You cannot make this up!!!! MIRACLES IN ACTION!!! LIVE!!!