This is an official casting call for our short film "Inspired" written by Dalton Kennerly & Rob Mathews! Directed by Maverick Knox
Synopsis: As admiration twists into a sinister pursuit, artist and admirer spiral together into a haunting confrontation where art and life blur--and only one will escape the canvas.
Paid (to be discussed with director)
Dates: October 2025
Location: Omaha/Bellevue, NE
Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2025
(Lead) ABIGAIL BLAKE - 20s-30s | any race | emerging avant garde and starving artist, finds art made by bodily fluids fascinating. She is still new to the art scene having only been in it for 6 years
(Support) PAIGE BANCROFT (30s) | Any race Fun loving aunt that has a keen eye for art. *Please note, this character kisses lead character IVAN CRAIG*
Interested parties must do the following:
email [email protected]
SUBJECT LINE: Inspired Audition Sides
INFO: Headshot/recent photo, age, and the role you want to audition for if auditioning for both