If you are dealing with digestive issues, don't postpone treatment! It's too important! Gastroenterology Specialties PC is open. ~ jsj Gastroenterology Specialties, P.C.
Patients and visitors, Gastroenterology Specialties will continue to remain open for your convenience. There are valid concerns about the COVID-19 virus, which we will take into consideration. We have always been diligent with disinfecting surfaces, sterilizing instruments, and changing masks and gloves. These are standard precautions that keep our patients, and us, safe.
We will be taking further precautions of additional disinfecting of all public areas multiple times throughout the day. In addition, we are screening every person to enter our building for symptoms, such as fever and respiratory issues. Anyone displaying COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to go home and any missed appointments will be rescheduled after the risk period has passed.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, cough, or other respiratory issues, we ask that you please remain home and call to reschedule your appointment.
Your cooperation with this will help us to stay healthy and continue to serve you. We value our patients and team members and take your health seriously. These precautions will help Gastroenterology Specialties remain a safe environment for everyone.