Edmund Thomas Wingo
23 December 1818 - July 1895
Edmund Thomas Wingo was born on December 23, 1818 in Amelia Co., VA. His mother, Mary & her six children moved to Washington Co., MO. in 1829 with Mary's brother Charles Hutchings. John, Jr stayed behind to dispose of property & settle up business but was taken sick & died in1830. Mary then moved to Madison Co., MO. & bought a farm where she died a
bout 1832. Edmund & his siblings remained with their uncle. In 1837 Edmund went to Montgomery, TN. to live with his uncle, John Hutchings & attend school. The following year he returned to Amelia Co., VA. & continued school while living with his uncle William Green (who had married a Hutchings). In 1844 he graduated from William and Mary College at Williamsburg, VA. & received a diploma to practice law which he practiced for 15 months in Amelia. He moved to Liberty, Bedford Co, VA. & on Jan. 201846 married Mary J Fizer. Edmund's only child, Jacob William Wingo, was born in 1846. Edmund went to Botetourt Co., VA. & taught a four month term of school. In Sept. of 1850 he married Sarah Stull. He also served as a Lieutenant in the VA. militia. In the fall of 1850, he returned to Washington Co., MO. with his wife & 9 slaves. After 6 months he sold all his slaves except one & returned to VA. where he remained until 1857 when he again returned to MO. but this time located in Salem where he resumed the practice of law. In 1860 Edmund Thomas Wingo organized a Cavalry Company in Dent Co., MO. He resigned as Captain of the Cavalry Company in June of 1861 when he organized & was elected Colonel of the 1st Infantry Regiment, 7th Division, MO. State Guard with men mostly form Dent, Texas, Shannon & Phelps Counties. Joining Brigadier Gen James Haggin McBride & the 2nd Infantry Regiment (mostly from Oregon & Howell Counties) the 7th Division of the MO State Guard marched south to Northern AR., west across Northern AR and then north to Cassville, MO. where they joined General Sterling Price around July 28th. Wingo was wounded at the Battle of Wilson's Creek where his Regiment numbered 300 men. At the Battle of Lexington the 7th Division assisted with the rolling of h**p bales as a moveable breastwork to capture the US forces stationed there. At Lexington, Colonel Wingo was shot in the right shoulder while dismounting his horse. Wingo served with his Regiment until it was disorganized in early 1862. In 1862 he was commissioned Brigadier General of the 7th Division, MO State Guard. After the war Edmund resumed the practice of law in Salem, MO. In 1882 he was elected to the State Legislature & he also served as Justice of the Peace. His 2nd wife died on April 14, 1886. He married Lucinda E Wheeling in Oct. 1886. Edmund Thomas Wingo died on July 14, 1895 in Salem, Dent Co. MO. He was a member of the Baptist Church, a member of the Masonic Fraternity, a life-long Democrat & was a Douglas elector in the 1860 election. A newspaper article from the Salem news, in the 1950's referred to Edmund Wingo as follows: "Colonel Wingo was over 6 feet tall, straight, wore a beard, long thick hair down on his shoulders like the typical Confederate military soldier, wore a Prince Albert type coat, carried a cane, walked with dignity becoming a Virginia gentleman. Had high ideals for a lawyer & said he would defend any man without pay if he is poor. He was spare made & never at any time weighed over 160 pounds".