All science, when interpreted correctly, points to the scientific accuracy of the Bible.
When we take a closer look at the incredible design of birds, it’s impossible not to see the work of a Creator.
To hear the full version of this just-released conversation with Dr. Andy McIntosh, head over to our YouTube channel. The video is titled "How Birds Actually Fly and Why It Matters." If you're interested in engineering or the mechanics of how things work, I think you’ll really enjoy it!
#Birds #FlightDesign #EngineeringMarvels #CreationScience #DesignInNature #ScienceAndFaith
You are made, designed, and wanted more than you could ever imagine—completely unique and created with a purpose.
There's a lot more to the answer of Roland's question - to watch the full Q&A, head over to our YouTube, or search "How Was the Universe Spoken Into Existence?"
#universe #creation #creationscience #god
Did you know genes don’t need to mutate for differences to appear within a species? For example, siblings often look different from each other, even though they inherit the same genes from their parents. Over time, their children are more likely to resemble their parents due to how genes are expressed—not because of evolution, but because of built-in variability in God’s design!
To watch the full video, head over to our YouTube channel (David Rives Ministries) and look for the video "Tuskless Elephants: A Case Study in Creation Science."
#genetics #genetic #genemutations #geneticscience #genes
Science does NOT equal politics. Let's keep them accountable.
You are made in His image!! Don't forget it.
We often overlook the simple blessings in life, like water, simply because it's so ever-present. We're surrounded by it, and in fact, we’re made up of it! But today, let’s take a moment to pause and truly appreciate God's creation.
You can't form life without oxygen... the way they see it. I love Dr. Clarey's phrasing there. For science to remain true, it needs to be interpreted correctly. The full interview is up now on our YouTube channel!
#geology #creationscience
This discovery, though incredible, should not be surprising to us who believe in the unchanging truths inside God's world.
#dinos #dinosaurs #GenesisScienceMinute #DinosaurFossils #BiblicalTruth #CreationScience
True creativity and design require a Creator, not random chance.
Want the full discussion? Check out our YouTube video titled "Is Natural Selection a God?" to explore this topic further.
One of the strongest evidences against a worldwide flood is now obsolete - isn't it amazing how, given time, all of science points to scripture?
To hear my full discussion with Michael Oard, head over to YouTube now!