All the goats have been enjoying this warmer weather! The cold that lingered made everyone a little stir crazy.
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Little Lainey played so hard that she went into a deep sleep in my lap. she had been dreaming for a while making the little bleats. She was dreaming big 🩷🩷
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Miss Daisy is due on March 20th and she is huge! Poor girl will not walk for me when the camera comes out. For reference on how big she is, Thelma on the crate is due one week after her!
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The girls decided let the 💩 fly in their water today. Since the heater was on it got really mushy and just disintegrated into it. So in this cold we had to empty the waterer, bring it out, clean it and then figure out a way to fill it since the hose is froze and it's a 40 gallon tank. So we took one of our extra 55 gallon barrels, cut a hole in the top and put a pump in it, attached a water hose to it and brought the pallet in with the tractor and filled it that way! Sure beat the bucket method for sure! Short video of it. I know I'm all over the place with the camera, but I'm having to guard the door from the goats while he fills up the tank. Hopefully next time they do this it will be warm!
Listen to those little smacks!
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Poor Daisy. She just wants to be outside, but alas it has already started to snow and she does not, in fact, want to build a snowman 🤣
From inches of rain Saturday to snow on Sunday. With Kentucky weather it's all or nothing.
We are getting our legs and working on laps. She is such a little cutie. We are still working on her name, should be coming soon!
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Tiny hop, baby bleats, and tail wags. Be still my heart ❤️
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We cleaned the main barn yesterday, but while we had everyone out before the cleaning commenced, we let the bigger littles check it out. To say they loved the benches was an understatement.
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If Lilly is this loud over grain, my poor ears when she is actually in labor 😆. We are a little over a month away from her first kidding 😀
#farm #farmlife #goatsofinstagram #nigeriandwarfgoatsofinstagram #goatsgoatsgoats #animals #fypシ
CeCe trying to figure out how I am chewing cud (chewing gum) and Daisy having it out with hay feeder 🤣.
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