The sky was the limit back then, I just knew I could be, do and have anything I wanted. That included the big houses, expensive cars, and breathtaking vacations while staying at 5 star hotels. But my mama always told me to go to school to get a good education. Then I could go out into the world and find myself a good job with good benefits. And so It goes, I was sold the "average American's" dream
. To go to work 40 hours a week for 40 years and then retire and try to live on 40% less than I couldn't live on before. Through a series of serendipitous events in my life I discovered a whole new world as an entrepreneur and now an author, speaker and life coach. I discovered that I didn't have to live the 40-40-40 plan and that I could control my future and design my destiny. It has been an amazing ride over the last twenty plus years. I have done things in my life that I would never have imagined - I wrote a monthly column for a national trade magazine, authored a book, created and presented marketing seminars, professional public speaking, marketing consulting, internet marketing, direct sales, adjunct college faculty, and American Marketing Association executive board VP. I am grateful for every experience along my path that has taught me humility, patience, perseverance, understanding and love. I now get the chance to share my knowledge and experience with individuals and teach them the valuable things that I have learned throughout the years. That is true blissful living. I send out silent gratitude to the universe to Jim Nolan, wherever you are. I wish you knew how much you impacted my life by introducing me to an entrepreneurial life, so very long ago. To sum it all up, my life revolves around personal development, wealth creation, teaching and mentoring others how to get the freedom and peace I have in my life. I coach using a Vince Lombardi approach with a Mother Theresa touch. . . .
. . to help people design their own destiny so they can be, do and have anything they want in life