The Power of Madness
My masterpiece. The Madness speaks for itself.
Starring @Matt "Madness" Maldonado
Story by Jason Nellis
Score by Scott Rundquist
Copyright 2007 Jason Nellis/Jazoof Productions
Madness in TV Land
An experimental interdimensional foray into the faaace of Matt "Madness" Maldonado - the inspiration for such hits that hinged on his acting such as "The Power of Madness" and "Bad News"
Copyright 200x? Jazoof Productions Madnesstv
Country On A Cliff
The 3rd documentary made in my "Doc 2" class in 2006, about dissent and ideas for social change... oh how simple times were then, when the protests were against war and the relatively young big brother. My description then: Such topics as the new don't-feed-the-homeless law, secret societies, our future, voting fraud, and picking cotton.
Featuring my grandma Phyllis Colson (1917-2016), Jim Stone, L-Macc, Bob, Matt "Madness" Maldonado, Scott X, and others.
Copyright 2006 Jazoof Productions
@Jason Nellis
Vegas's Crazy Weather: The Search for Answers (John Fredericks Documentary)
RIP John Frederick Alden, 1955-2012. This funny weatherman who brought thousands joy and became locally famous was a tragic figure. He was my role model, and as clear in this video, he LOVED his dog more than anything, and after Jordan died, it was a sad struggle for John to cope. A couple years after I shot this (I was so honored that he granted me this access/interview, as I told him how big of a fan I was and aspiring meteorologist- of course he's also a production pro), he was fired after a controversy and moved to Missouri where he went homeless, and started succumbing to his family curse, but then bounced back when he returned to Vegas in 2011, only to die in 2012. I was again honored when the news producer asked to show this documentary at John's funeral service. What an arc of passion and tragedy this man went through. Of course his memorial stands amongst my family members who have also passed and those I've been closest to.
Copyright Jazoof Productions 2006
Jason Nellis KSNV News 3, Las Vegas
(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
Continuing with my portfolio, this is the short documentary that got shown at the 2006 Cinevegas Film Festival (run by Dennis Hopper, where I hobnobbed with the most actors/directors I've ever met). Started out as a class exercise to capture the themes of school on a Saturday, and turned into this 50/50 tongue-in-cheek and "real" thingy, that also led to me being requested to teach a class in Abnormal Psychology.
Featuring John Marsh, Tony Quirk, James Guiry, Halley Clark, Mike Hendrick, and Ed Worfolk.
©️Jazoof Productions 2006
Jason Nellis
We Will Save You From Earth
(Welcome to the Universe Part 2!)
Of course, as with most sequels, this one was a lame rip-off of the first. As with all sequels it tried too hard while at the same time being too careless. The worst part though is that it didn't even piss off any cults. :'(
But it's still "entertainment". And hey all your favorite alien and Earth fiends are back, including #Jesus! And of course #Ptaah and the holy #AshtarSheran
©️2009 #JazoofProductions
Welcome to Earth! 1960s Classic Edition
I decided to start uploading my classic decade+ old videos to my page, to get me back in the habit of posting original content (leading up to actual new videos!) so I will start with my first ever YouTube video, more of a weirdo experimental slideshow created along with content input, inspiration and computer of Jim Stone, my first videography collaborator... Welcome to Earth! Warning: may be offensive to today's sensitive tastes.
©Moonhorse Productions 2006
(1st joint production "company" of Jim Stone and myself)