Kim and I (Denise) are grateful that you have found your way to our group. Please allow me to introduce ourselves. Kim and I are lifelong friends, and both reside in Bucks County, PA. I work in Special Education and Kim is a retired accountant turned realtor. If you know me, you know I don’t really like to shop and I hate to pay full retail for anything. Finding the best price for what I buy is li
ke a game to me and I want to win! Kim loves to shop, and we are always competing to see who can find the best bargain. Ironically, Kim and I, along with our love-to-shop-daughters, had both begun to dabble in affiliate marketing. Our daughters quickly realized they didn’t have the time to dedicate to our respected groups, so Kim and I decided to join forces and continue together with Fab and Frugal Finds. So, what do we do at Fab and Frugal Finds? We partner with companies you shop with online. We search their sites daily to find the best deals they offer, and we share them with you. Whether you are shopping for clothes, electronics, home decor, gifts or everyday household items, we want to help you find it at a great price. Should you make a purchase using a link we post, we may receive a small commission for advertising their products. This does not affect your purchase in any way. It does not cost you a dime more. Our goal is simple, to save you time AND money. Please continue to help us grow by inviting your friends and family to our group (just click the “invite” button on our page). The more the merrier and you just may help someone find a great deal. Please comment on our posts. We love to hear from our members. Tell us about a product you have and love, what you have found through our group or what you or looking for. See something you know a friend would love, tag them! Posts made by admins may contain affiliate links associated with Fab and Frugal Finds. Fab and Frugal Finds may be compensated for purchases made through those links. Fab and Frugal Finds is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC
Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees for advertising and linking to This group is not owned or operated by