Strawberry Moon Energetics, Ancestral Healing & Sacred Teachings, LLC.

Strawberry Moon Energetics, Ancestral Healing & Sacred Teachings, LLC. Nataline Ruth Cruz and Strawberry Moon

She is a Shamanic practitioner, learning from great teachers in the Andean and Mexica traditions, Ancient Teachings from places like India, and is a Maya Priest initiated and sponsored by the Maya Nation, in Guatemala, under Don Miguel Angel Chiquin Yat & the Jaguar Women.

She has been practicing Curanderismo, Ancestral Medicine, Energy Healing & other modalities for many years now learning fro

m her elders in the Mexica/Aztec traditions in Meso-American Massage, and other healing modalities. She has also spent time studying with Curanderos from CEDEHC (Centro de Desarrollo Humano hacia la Comunidad) in Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. Nataline is the owner of Strawberry Moon Energetics, Ancestral Healing & Sacred Teachings, LLC. in Lakewood, CO, where she works with people individually to bring healing to their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual manifestations. She also works in groups settings, facilitates classes and sacred ceremonies to help her community heal, learn, expand, and raise their consciousness, and most importantly -- remember who they truly are, what their mission is and how to reach their full potential. She is a community advocate hoping to bring awareness to causes most pressing our society today such as health and nutrition, Spirituality in conjunction with healthcare, addiction, and mental illness. Helping people to heal on all levels, to obtain a sense of peace and well-being, is extremely important to Ms. However, taking them to higher and expanded states of consciousness and awareness is her wish for all who seek her help. Her shamanic work has guided her to focus on getting many past their personal problems and return to the Oneness of All That Is. With this, she has created a series of classes/processes/workshops, such as Masters Of Ascension, Calling All Warrior Women, Alchemist's Fortune, and the I AM Quantum Healing series. Nataline is also a guide to nearly 200 students in her Kalpulli 4-year apprenticeship and has over 100 women on the Strawberry Moon Warrior Women’s Council… all to help individuals heal, grow, find and fulfill their life’s mission. Ms. Cruz has most recently received the honor and permission to carry the teachings of the Maya Cosmology, and has opened a school, "Oxlaju Ochoch Tz'ikin -- The House Of The 13 Eagles" School Of Maya Cosmology and Cosmic Investigation. Cruz has spent years traveling to many different parts of the World learning from medicine people, spiritual teachers, training in different modalities and receiving initiations in order to do the work she does today. Nataline is an Ordained Minister which allows her to perform baptisms, weddings, commitment ceremonies and other such blessings. She is a Body Worker, certified at the Colorado School Of Healing Arts, in Swedish massage, Deep Tissue Techniques and Fascial Manipulation -- mostly focused on Intra-oral care & Maya abdominal work. She is certified in Mental Health, Amino Acid Therapy, and Addiction Recovery Diets by Christina Veselak. She has been certified as a yoga teacher by Core Power Yoga and recognized by Yoga Alliance. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing, both from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She is a Reiki Master, a Master Teacher in Magnified Healing, and a Oneness Trainer for the Oneness University in India initiated by Sri AmmaBhagavan. Most recently, with the help of her community, she has been working on what she calls, "a little experimentation" The Sacred Donut Podcast. Cruz uses learned modalities with her abilities as a Clairsentient/ Intuitive and an Empath to sense energies to properly aid and accelerate healing. And with all that, her intention, her mission is "to help guide, to help free and liberate Humanity from the traps, to awaken them to the truth of who they really are and help them to find and fulfill their Soul's Mission, their Life's Purpose." Everything Nataline manifests is intended to help others acclimate and adapt to this rapid shift and help integrate the energies we are receiving from the Universe. “This is a time of great awakening. I am on a mission to help liberate and free you from the Illusion of who you think you are…”

🚨NEW EPISODE🚨✨️Season 6✨️Episode 11⚜️From Soil To Salve: 4' 10" Badass Kitchen Witch⚜️➡️On this episode of🙏🏽🍩 The Sacred...


✨️Season 6
✨️Episode 11

⚜️From Soil To Salve: 4' 10" Badass Kitchen Witch⚜️

➡️On this episode of🙏🏽🍩 The Sacred Donut Podcast🎧🎤 we visit with a tough little 🍪, Andrea Francisco Smith, better known as "Drea," a spry curandera/kitchen witch from Pueblo, Colorado. 🌸🌿🙌🏽

👑🦋Drea brings to the table her life's story as a "sensitive" young girl in Pentecostal church to her career as a probation officer, to single mother and her experience being on "the other side of the door" with addiction and mental health.

💜Drea has taken all her heartache, pain, and desire to save the people around her and turned it into actual "medicina" -- A New Creation, LLC. -- salves, tinctures, natural medicine & more... 🌿🌸

🫖🌿Make a cup of herbal tea, rub yourself down with healing salve, and join us at the table.🌸🌿

To contact Drea Smith ⬇️
[email protected]

To listen⬇️⬇️⬇️

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My uber talented, Divine Goddess, friend & spiritual Sister Lalania Simone is sharing her amazing talents with the 🌎 and...

My uber talented, Divine Goddess, friend & spiritual Sister Lalania Simone is sharing her amazing talents with the 🌎 and expressing God in so many amazing ways. I am just thoroughly impressed😯

Please check out her latest project and if you feel it in your ❤️ to contribute please do so‼️

A little 💵🪙 from each of you 😉 or bigger 🎁 that gives back and makes you kinda like an investor. That's always 😎 to tell your friends at brunch‼️

And if you're thinking, I don't know anything about that woo woo stuff... that's ok because investing in women is really good karma, and you're investing in an artist which is also good karma 😁😆😇🥰

Check her out on 🙏🏽🍩The Sacred Donut Podcast🎧🎤 as well, "I Don't Know If Jesus Would Like This, But I Want This Rock."⬇️

Click below to contribute💰💵🪙 ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Explore the ancient world through the mythologies that formed our rich cultures & traditions. A deck for tarot & oracle lovers.

If you L❤️VE to be in nature as much as I do, come with me to Tanzania... ✅️Safari in one of most pristine nature preser...

If you L❤️VE to be in nature as much as I do, come with me to Tanzania...

✅️Safari in one of most pristine nature preserves‼️

✅️Swim in the most beautiful ocean waters on the 🌎‼️

✅️Ceremonies for the 🌎 and all her inhabitants.

✅️Profound healing for your body, your mind, your spirit, and your soul.



It is time to be an INTENTIONAL participant in the CO-CREATION of YOUR LIFE.


⚜️Dreaming of Egypt?⚜️ Journey with me, and let me lift the veil from your eyes. Here is what I can promise you... a shi...

⚜️Dreaming of Egypt?⚜️

Journey with me, and let me lift the veil from your eyes.

Here is what I can promise you... a shift in perspective, a deep introspection of your inner mysteries, proof there is more than meets the eye, proof there is more to life than the 9 - 5 rat race.

I can promise to bring healing and nourishment to your mind, body, and soul. I promise to lift your spirit and wake up all your senses.

I promise you will create memories that will carry you for a lifetime. 👑✨️

I hear you say, "Am I worthy?" Absolutely 💯

I hear you say, "Maybe next year." It is next year.

I hear you say, "So scary to travel that far." Aren't you tired of being afraid all the time?

I hear you say, "I don't know what to wear." You can wear whatever you want!!

Come on already... say YES TO LIVING!! 💖

Book a discovery call for more details!! ⬇️


🍓🌕Strawberry Moon merchandise has finally come into manifestation thanks to Otto  & Bri  ‼️ It only took me 30 years‼️🤣🤔...

🍓🌕Strawberry Moon merchandise has finally come into manifestation thanks to Otto & Bri ‼️ It only took me 30 years‼️🤣🤔🫣🤦🏼‍♀️

The hoodies ($55.00) are high quality, fleece inside, super durable, and so so soft‼️

Beanies ($15.00) are thick, warm, and durable‼️

If you're interested, you can pay below ⬇️⬇️ to reserve or come to the Moon‼️

Venmo @

Cash App @

How's everyone doing?💗I know it has been hard out there for many people.💙🌏Earth school man😭... it's an elite school for ...

How's everyone doing?💗

I know it has been hard out there for many people.💙

🌏Earth school man😭... it's an elite school for only the toughest and bravest. (That's you🏋🏼‍♀️‼️). You've got this!! I mean, we are the ones we have been waiting for... 🧘🏽‍♀️🧘🫂

I'm sending you good vibes, holding you in the Highest regards, seeing all of Humanity in its Light🌞🕯, in its potential.🌀

I infused this picture with some yummy, juicy, high vibrational loving happy healing vibes‼️Take a moment and let the energy wash over you.


🚨NEW EPISODE🚨🙏🏽🍩THE SACRED DONUT PODCAST🎧🎤✨️Season 6✨️Episode 10🫣😯What Happens In Vegas, DOESN'T Always Stay In Vegas‼️➡...


✨️Season 6
✨️Episode 10

🫣😯What Happens In Vegas, DOESN'T Always Stay In Vegas‼️

➡️On this episode of The Sacred Donut Podcast, we visit with infamous Candace Sgaggio , aka, "G" -- healer, Maya Spiritual Guide, owner and proprietor of an Indigenous Cannibis Church -- Sinsemillas House Of Worship.

Candace takes us into the very serious yet hilarious story of her past and her spiritual journey. We look at where and what she is doing today in her work, on her mission as a spiritual community leader, entrepreneur, mother, auntie, daughter, wife, and friend.

From star athlete to high school drop out, to spiritual guide -- Candace proves once again that when you follow the signs, when you find the path that leads you to your destiny and make the choice to make a positive change you can change your life and the life of all those around you.

And she proves once again that it is NEVER too late to save your own life.

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Season 6Episode 10What Happens In Vegas, DOESN'T Always Stay In Vegas!On this episode of The Sacred Donut Podcast, we visit with infamous Candace Sgaggio, aka, "G" -- healer, Maya Spiritual Guide, owner and proprietor of an Indigenous Cannibis Chu...

✨️EGYPT✨️OCTOBER 2025✨️🔆Join me on a life changing journey to a place where the mysteries of ancient knowledge float on ...


🔆Join me on a life changing journey to a place where the mysteries of ancient knowledge float on tiny grains of sand and the Cosmic Laws of the Universe glisten on the rays of the Sun.🔆


Book a discovery call for inquiries‼️


📅 Schedule with me today if you need:✨️A Limpia (mystical/ ancestral healing).✨️A Platíca (heart to heart/sacred/confide...

📅 Schedule with me today if you need:

✨️A Limpia (mystical/ ancestral healing).

✨️A Platíca (heart to heart/sacred/confidential conversation).

✨️Intuitive guidance in --
•Life's purpose
•Finding the I AM

✨️Discovery call
•El Salvador

BOOK HERE ⬇️⬇️⬇️


✨️THANK YOU SO MUCH!!✨️I am so grateful to everyone who attended 🌀SONUS SERIES🌀 this weekend. It is always such an honor...


I am so grateful to everyone who attended 🌀SONUS SERIES🌀 this weekend. It is always such an honor to gather, to heal together, and to stretch our consciousness upward and outward.

Here is to healing together, healing the collective, healing at the speed of LIGHT☄️🌞

May you transform your hearts of those around you. 💗



Over the past few days, months, years… I have watched people suffer deeply… all due to their deep held “beliefs”.

From all that transpired from 2020 to present day, I have watched people become mean, hateful, extremely opinionated, very closed minded and deeply trapped in what we call “mental sabotage”. I am fully aware of how sensitive everyone is right now, and I understand why, but I am very concerned that if you do not hear my plea, you may never find peace again.

You need to stop.

The mind LOVES to be in opposition. It wants to be arguing with the other side of anything and validating its deep beliefs. The more you oppose the more addictive it is, and the more trapped you become.

You are participating in the great trap of division. You are playing the game well.

You are making yourself unwell. You are causing great harm to your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. And racking up the karma to match what you are spewing.

It is poison to a sick body, gasoline to a fire out of control.

Turn off the news.

Stop scrolling.

Go take a bubble bath.

Get lost in a good love story.

Play with your kids in the snow.

Get some exercise.

Eat something clean, healthy, with deep nourishment.

Turn into your faith.

Check on the kids. Check on the Elders.

You cannot fix the problems of the world from your hate.

You hate your neighbor, not understanding that what you hate in them is what YOU ARE.

You can only recognize in another that which you are. The other will play the exact role you believe them to be.

Nothing will change until you change your perception.

Nothing will change until you change “your inner”.

Change your perception (from HATE TO LOVE). Open your heart.

Heal yourself. Heal your family. Heal your community and then you can change the world.

Join me in holding Earth and all her inhabitants, and ALL of Humanity, in sacred prayer, in the highest potential, in faith, in DIVINE LIGHT OF ALL THAT IS…

May the DIVINE PRESENSE of GOD/CREATOR in me, bow and see the DIVINE PRESENSE in YOU… holding steading in HOPE & FAITH and deep LOVE for each of you.

❤️ONE L♾️VE❤️
~Nataline 🫧BLISS🫧

⚠️If you are in need of deep profound healing⬇️⬇️⬇️✨️THE SONUS SERIES -- Friday, January 24, 2025 7:00pm‼️✨️The Sonus Se...

⚠️If you are in need of deep profound healing⬇️⬇️⬇️

✨️THE SONUS SERIES -- Friday, January 24, 2025 7:00pm‼️

✨️The Sonus Series is a profound opportunity for a deep, miraculous healing, beyond this time & space, through every "body" of your Being.✨️

There are no prerequisites, nothing you need to do or know. If you've ever wanted to come experience my work... start here. 💗


🚨NEW EPISODE🚨✨️Season 6✨️Episode 9🔷️Out Of Discomfort & Into The Smoke🔷️➡️In this episode of🙏🏽🍩 The Sacred Donut Podcast...


✨️Season 6
✨️Episode 9

🔷️Out Of Discomfort & Into The Smoke🔷️

➡️In this episode of🙏🏽🍩 The Sacred Donut Podcast🎧🎤 we visit with a bright rising 🌟 spiritual guide Mya Miller ‼️

Ms. Miller is a practitioner of Ancestral Medicine & Medical Qigong and proprietor of ✨️Into The Smoke✨️ She is a young, just turned 26 year old🎉🎁 with an already profound journey of Awakening, which has led her to her purpose, her path, her mission, and her deep authentic self.

➡️In this episode, we dive into young adult depression, self-medicating, being uncomfortable in your own skin, finding a purpose, finding what you are good at, knowing thyself, allowing all the versions of yourself to be at the Sacred Fire🔥 and so much more.

✅️If you are young and struggling to find your way, this is an episode for you‼️ ✅️If you are a parent of a young adult, please listen with an open 💗‼️ ✅️If you are a spiritual guide, this is where our most important work is... which path are we putting our young people on? There is so much to unpack in this episode. Enjoy‼️

Season 6Episode 9Out Of Discomfort & Into The SmokeIn this episode of The Sacred Donut Podcast, we visit with a bright rising star, spiritual guide Mya Miller.Ms. Miller is a practitioner of Ancestral Medicine & Medical Qigong and propriet...

✨️THE SONUS SERIES -- Friday, January 24, 2025 7:00pm‼️If you've ever been to a Masters Of Ascension intensive or a "Lig...

✨️THE SONUS SERIES -- Friday, January 24, 2025 7:00pm‼️

If you've ever been to a Masters Of Ascension intensive or a "Light"... then you know 😉

If you have never experienced such an encounter with me... no worries‼️

✨️The Sonus Series is a profound opportunity for a deep, miraculous healing, beyond this time & space, through every "body" of your Being.✨️




9719/2 W. Colfax
Lakewood, CO


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