Well it’s happening.
Tomorrow night we will be hosting a live show episode airing for the first time on #youtube as well as #tiktok
Usual shenanigans will ensue like a normal episode, but this time you can be apart of it LIVE!
Make sure you tune in to be apart of the show! Tomorrow night 2/27/25 at 7pm EST!!
Patreon airing will be immediately after the live stream, and Spotify posting will be the following day on Friday!
#poniesandbeards #djcubis #beardedsagegames #live #liveshow #patreon #spotify #facebook #instagram #podcast #announcement #important #highlight #alert #podcasting #podcasts #podcastnetwork #livestream #showtime #beardedbeauties #beards #brothersforlife #family #bondingtime #post #foodie #costumes #characters
Last nights #moviepremiere of Captain America: Brave New World was a success.
Tonight we discuss!
Tune in tomorrow Saturday on #patreon to hear our thoughts on the film, with a $4 patreon subscription. Listen Sunday on #spotify for free. We will be doing a spoiler free video, the only spoilers will most likely be what is seen in trailers, and we will continue discussions of upcoming films we’ll be reviewing later this year.
Lots of fun to come on #poniesandbeards the podcast, so make sure you’re up to date and follow us on #facebook #instagram and #tiktok as well as Patreon and Spotify! Make sure to give us a rating on Spotify as well!! We love you all and appreciate your support!
#podcast #djcubis #beardedsagegames #captainamerica #falcon #redhulk #thunderbolts #fantasticfour #moviereview #podcasting #supportpodcasts #followus #subscribe #beapart #therapysession #party #decompression #movietheater #movietime #lakeland #florida
Sneak Peak at what’s to air tomorrow (Thursday) for #patreon subscribers and Friday for #spotify followers! New Episode coming out the next two days! #poniesandbeards #pnb #djcubis #beardedsagegames #podcast #instagram #facebook #tiktok #parenting #2000s #movies #tv #support #specialguest #iris #lunchables #stewartsorangecreamsoda #orangecream #random #reels #upandcoming #floridapodcast #florida #lakeland #dadjokes #pg #lego #crazy
A face for radio? or a voice for radio?....#voiceforradio #jokes #voiceactors #facemodel #facetime #youdecide #bearded #poniesandbeards #laughter #laughteristherapy #beard #patreon #spotify #instagram #facebook #tiktok
Come, hither! If thou hast not seekith-out Ponies and Beards: The Podcast on ye local @spotify or @patreon interwebs, tis now time to do so.
Thus being the 13th episode of thy podcast, we doth ask a multitude of questions, and give a myriad of answers to thine world’s most important issues. I beseech thee to make haste! For soon we shall commence another episode, and we would fain not see thee lag behind.
We thank thee all for partaking in our noble quest, and for thine unwavering support in whatever manner ye can. We hold thee in high esteem, and eagerly await the day we shall present thee with more episodes!
Until our paths cross once more, we give thee thy gratitude, and may thy day be filled with favor and glad tidings.
-Verily, from the steeds of noble breed and the esteemed whiskers of valor.
(-Sincerely, Ponies and Beards 😂)
#poniesandbeards #djcubis #beardedsagegames #medieval #medievalstyle #hearyehearye #funny #podcast #spotify #patreon #facebook #instagram #balad #story #silly #parenting #jokingaround #funtimes #podcasting #stream #lakeland #florida
My apology this week…sorry Colleen…Sorry Quan. 😬😂#lovehurts #movie #kehuyquan @Ke Huy Quan #apology #podcast #poniesandbeards #confused #sorry #patreon #spotify
Woah, Woah!!!
Such an honorable mention! To be the number one podcast in central florida, is the best self proclaimed aware we could give ourselves! 😇🤩
Huge thank you to all our supporters! Friends, family, strangers, and other podcasters, we thank you for your support! We love spending time with you all, and sharing our stories with you. This year we’re hoping to grow the community, grow the production team, grow the production value, and grow into better men! So follow along in our journey, support where you can, and let us know what you want to see!
Thank you!
#spotify #patreon #facebook #instagram #tiktok #twitter
#poniesandbeards #djcubis #beardedsagegames #subscribe #follow #support #podcasting #podcastersofinstagram #moviereviews #marvelcomics #livestream #self #selfcare #selfworth #fun #family #friendship #fellowship #lifestory #lakeland #lakelandflorida
I don’t know if you heard yet…
Over at @spotify and @patreon our newest episode 12 is up…”Happy New Year!” on our #podcast @poniesandbeards
New episodes coming soon, with a #liveshow planned for end of Feb!
Don’t miss out. Follow us on #spotify #patreon #facebook #instagram #tiktok #twitter
#poniesandbeards #djcubis #beardedsagegames #subscribe #follow #support #podcasting #podcastersofinstagram #moviereviews #marvelcomics #tastebuds #orangecream #dreamteam #livestream #followme #fun #family #friendship #fellowship #lifestory #lakeland #lakelandflorida
As promised our monthly social media updates!
It has been a great month for @poniesandbeards as we’ve increased in our social media pages, as well as followers! Quick rundown…
#spotify - 29 followers!!! Rated 5🌟 by 9 people!
#facebook - 54 followers!!!
#instagram - 27 followers!!!
#twitter - 21 followers!!!
#tiktok - 10 followers with 11 likes!!!
#patreon - 1 sub already!!!
Although it might not seem like a lot on paper, we praise and appreciate your support!!! If you wanna know how you can rate the channel, the third picture in the list gives a little insight into how (since we too just found out you could even do that! 😂🤣).
Video streams are going to start happening shortly for our subscribers, as this labor day weekend we are going to start the process of getting the studio ready for video content! Will probably be a few more episodes before we can get it complete, but looking forward to seeing it through to the finish line!
Excited to see what the month of September has to offer as we head closer and closer to the holiday season! We can’t wait to continue sharing this journey with you all!
A deepest and most sincere thank you too you #followers
#poniesandbeards #djcubis #beardedsagegames #follow #supportwhereyoucan #rateus⭐️⭐️💫🌟🌟 #podcast #laborday #labordayweekend #familyfriendly #podcasting #lovewhatyoudo #funnyvideos #funny #christian #parenting #adulting #sharingiscaring
Ponies and Beards the Podcast. Now on #tiktok #instagram #facebook #patreon #Spotify #Twitter Give us a follow. New episode airs Tuesday August the 27th. #podcast #poniesandbeards #beardedsagegames #DJCubis
@poniesandbeards is live on @patreon That’s right, #poniesandbeards is officially on #patreon so if you enjoy the #podcast and want to #support you can now #subscribe and help us build the pod community!https://patreon.com/Poniesandbeardspod?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLinkWhat does this mean? What benefits am I getting by being a #subscriber 💵 For only $4 a month, with a free 7 day trial, You can gain access to our Gold Membership which includes…📣 Membership Shout-outs!📽️ Livestreams☎️ Random In Episode Phone call🎥 Exclusive Monthly Video Episodes🔮Future tiers will include discounts on merch, as well as other #perks If you haven’t already done so, head over to @spotify and give us a follow, and rate our content! Post a comment, and be apart of the community! Give us a try, #supportthecause and help us #makeourdreamscometrue #pnb #podcastersofinstagram #exclusive #djcubis #beardedsagegames #live #official #goldmember #funtimes #partofit #prouddad #fatherhood #moviereviews #spotify #quittingourdayjobs #funtivities #podcasting #podcastshow #podcastlife #dungeonsanddragons #sponserme
Middle Class
New Episode of @poniesandbeards on @spotify is up!!
This will be our 5 (technically 6th) Episode of the #podcast and though it’s a little longer; it’s a good one.
A lot of fun, laughs, and heart in this as we discuss #parentingtips and #adulting as well as #jeepwrangler #jeepgladiator #duckingjeeps #movies #dnd #dnd5e #oneshotwonder and just a whole bunch of fun things for everyone to enjoy. 😊
So head on over to #spotify and check out #poniesandbeards We can’t guarantee it’ll be great, but we can #guarantee you might laugh a little. Hopefully. 🤞 🙏🏻🤷🏻♂️😇
Thanks for all your #support and let us know in the comments what segments you like, don’t like, or want to hear more of!
#beardedsagegames #djcubis #podcast #pnb #podcasting #funny #podcastlife #pod #podcaster #podcastshow #podcasts #stream #listentothis #familyfun #keepmovingforward #goals #sponsor