Women... GOD's "Secret" Weapon (Pre-Order)
Pre-Order Yours Today! And… Get a FREE eBook!
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I’m excited to share my new book “Women… God’s ‘Secret’ Weapon”!
This powerful resource sheds light on the profound impact Women have on society and shines a spotlight on their essential role in God’s Plan. I believe that every man seeking God should give this book to the Women in his life to help them to understand God’s Will, and Purpose for them. - Kevin Alexander
eBook Availability - May 28, 2024
Print Availability - June 4, 2024
(Barring any Delays)
Women… God’s “Secret” Weapon – Is a unique look on Women that changes the “Christian” and “Cultural” understanding of this magnificent Creation of God. https://etharvesters.com/shop/
Pre-Order Today and get a Free and Immediate download of the eBook “Loving God Back”.
#women #godssecretweapon
March 2024 New Releases!!! | 3 New Titles | ETHarvesters.com
New eBook Releases… Tap into God’s Prophetic Time-clock with 3 New Titles… Now available for Purchase and Immediate Download!
“The Entrance into the Heavenly Realm“
“God’s Global Agenda“
“God’s Eternal Agenda”
Get your copies today! Visit etharvesters.com!
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March Giveaways!!!
Maximize your Growth Potential! Receive not one, but two FREE eBooks as our Love Gift during March!
“Thy Kingdom Come” & “Loving God Back”
Visit etharvesters.com for your FREE Download.
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Coming in March - FREE Giveaway!!!
Maximize your Growth Potential! Receive two FREE eBooks during March!
Visit etharvesters.com for your FREE Downloads.
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A Visitation of God | Melbourne, FL | June 9-11, 2022 (Promo)
A Visitation of God... Melbourne, FL, June 9-11, 2022.
Session 1 | Thursday, June 9th at 7pm - God Experience... Experiencing God's Person
Session 2 | Friday, June 10th at 7pm - L3: Light, Life and Love Conference...
God's Attributes Being Manifested in You
Session 3 | Saturday, June 11th at 9am - Jesus Is Alive Tour...
The Life of Christ Flowing Through You
***Registration Required for each Session.
Crowne Plaza - Oceanfront Hotel
2605 N Hwy A1A, Melbourne, Fl 32903
#MoveofGod #CentralFlorida
#MelbourneFL #L3 #Training
#Revival #GodsVoice
#GodSpeaking #OpenVision
#EndTimes #Revelations
#Revelation #GodExperience
#GodsWill #GodsDesire
#GodsHouse #Awakening
#GreatAwakening #Woke
#Prophetic #GodsPerspective
#KevinAlexander #KAM #KOGNetwork
#EndTimeHarvesters #JesusIsAliveTour
God's Response to the Killings in Uvalde, TX (May 24, 2022) | Kevin Alexander
God's Response to the Killings in Uvalde,TX on May 24, 2022.
-Kevin Alexander
#help #uvalde #uvaldetx #uvaldestrong
#uvaldeshooting #uvaldeschoolshooting
#uvaldemassacre #gunviolence
#violenceawareness #shooting
#grief #griefandloss #grieftsupport
#lossofalovedone #gonetoosoon
#changelives #Prophetic #GodsPerspective
#KevinAlexander #KAM #KOGNetwork
#EndTimeHarvesters #JesusIsAliveTour
G3: Great God’s Giveaway!!!
The 1 billion dollar Great God’s Giveaway where God is giving you 4 free e-books: 1-“What Time Is It?” 2-“It Is Time” 3- “A Divine Communication of Heaven, Earth and Hell” and 4- “Loving God Back” in order to start a new relationship with the Lord and transform your life!
To get your FREE copies go to,
#G3 #GreatGodsGiveaway #kevinalexander #Eth #endtimeharvesters #kogn #ebook #free
A Date with Destiny with Kevin Alexander - The Coming Move of God (Part 4)
A Date with Destiny with Kevin Alexander - The Coming Move of God
(Part 4
From Eternity Past, God has Designed and Prepared an Eternal Plan for you.
You... Have A Date with Destiny.
Visit Us at https://etharvesters.com
#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #KingdomTruth
#Kingdom #Principles #Training #Truth
#Facts #EndTimes #Destiny
#KevinAlexanderMinistries #EndTimeHarvesters
#ETHarvesters #KingdomOfGod #Network
#KevinAlexander #KOGN #KAM
A Date with Destiny with Kevin Alexander - The Coming Move of God (Part 3)
A Date with Destiny with Kevin Alexander - The Coming Move of God
(Part 3)
From Eternity Past, God has Designed and Prepared an Eternal Plan for you.
You... Have A Date with Destiny.
Visit Us at https://etharvesters.com
#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #KingdomTruth
#Kingdom #Principles #Training #Truth
#Facts #EndTimes #Destiny
#KevinAlexanderMinistries #EndTimeHarvesters
#ETHarvesters #KingdomOfGod #Network
#KevinAlexander #KOGN #KAM
A Date with Destiny with Kevin Alexander - The Coming Move of God (Part 2)
A Date with Destiny with Kevin Alexander - The Coming Move of God (Part 2)
From Eternity Past, God has Designed and Prepared an Eternal Plan for you.
You... Have A Date with Destiny.
Visit Us at https://etharvesters.com
#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #KingdomTruth
#Kingdom #Principles #Training #Truth
#Facts #EndTimes #Destiny
#KevinAlexanderMinistries #EndTimeHarvesters
#ETHarvesters #KingdomOfGod #Network
#KevinAlexander #KOGN #KAM
End-Time Harvesters | Foundational Principles of The Kingdom with Kevin Alexander | How Do I Protect Myself & My Family From Deception?
Foundational Principles of The Kingdom with Kevin Alexander... "How Do I Protect Myself & My Family From Deception?"
Visit Us at https://etharvesters.com
#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #KingdomTruth
#Kingdom #Principles #Training #Truth
#Facts #Protection #Deception
#KevinAlexanderMinistries #EndTimeHarvesters
#ETHarvesters #KingdomOfGod #Network
#KevinAlexander #KOGN #KAM