Top 20 Results: You did it! 💞
You're Current rank: 7th in your group.
Take a moment to celebrate! You made it through the first round and are one step closer to a Scottsdale spa-cation and photoshoot for NewBeauty.
Where people vote
Now time for Round 2 and it's begun. Voting for the Top 15 ends October 26th at 7 Pm PDT/10 pm EDT(6 days and 8 hours!!!)
Okay so 7th not too shabby!!! And is definitely good enough to get me through Round 2 and 3, but if I really want this then we going to have to do better as a loving caring group!!!! Because 7th won't get me into the Quarterfinals so I have to be in the top 5 and I'm currently in 7th we got this!!!!
Go go VOTE and please remember that EVERYONE gets A FREE VOTE EVERY 24 Hours!!!
Boy I'm slipping further down....... SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE
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TGIF!!! Good morning friends and listeners.
502 Fallen Angel Radio Presents, Mystic Mornings Talk Show and Mystic Eclectic Music Show With Mistress Angie!! Starting at 6:45 am EST and going till 1:50 pm EST!! Along With your latest and breaking news stories!!! We have a chat room you can join us by just clicking on the Facebook, twitter or Guest button and join in the FUN!!!!!!!! Fun starts at 6:45 a.m. EST!!!!!!! Callers Welcome, we encourage listeners to call in!!! Call in either via Skype: 502 Fallen Angel Radio or with our toll FREE call or text # 1-888-454-0332, 1-(502) 410-3305. If your busy at work and the boss wont let you make personal calls then you are more than welcome to send us a text by texting our toll free #. I do take song requests on both shows. On the morning talk show song requests will be played at the breaks,(breaks are at 8:30 am, 9 am, 9:30 am. 10 am and 10:30 am) During the music show any requests will get put up at the top of the play list, so either log into our chat and request or call in or tweet me your Requests @MistressAngie1 or @502FallenRadio
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