Season 1 episode 10 part 2🖊️
General Saga🔥🌀 16VNL
Betrayal 🔥💪🏼
Mick:you see...
†flash back starts†
†On our way here me and dad saw Megamind,so then we tailed him then we saw him talking to Spencer and that old fat guy†
†end of flashback†
Lefty:what, really?!😯
Mick:yeah,So when he had walked in,I knew I had to make the first move😏🔥
LilT:†Grabs Megamind by the neck and starts choking him😡🤬†
Megamind†struggling to breathe †pls spare me..
SK:I never really liked you honestly,and you know that😑but to think of the fact that you actually went ahead and betrayed us like that🤨😡is it the cash they promised you!?
Fenix:†sighs†😩man this is becoming a real drag😩
LilT:†Stops choking Megamind and stabs him on the same spot he once did the first time†🗡️
Megamind:†secretly takes out a dagger so he could stab LilT †🗡️🔥
end of episode 10 part 2
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Hope y'all have a nice day 🔥 peace ✌🏼