Update on Jerry's Goal for CURE
An UPDATE! And it's... a really good one.
Let's do this. I think we can do this...?
On behalf of a longtime podcast listener and friend. Let's do this!
"What's Up With These Bells?" A Christmas Classic
This is my new Christmas song. It will make you reflect and think about the magic of Christmas. It is both festive and heartfelt.
It's called, "What's Up With These Bells?"
Another Christmas SMASH HIT: "Sad Christmas"
Flashback: This was SO epic. And it just kept getting more epic as the video went on.
"Sad Christmas" LIVE.
Couple Requests
1. Just askin' for prayers
2. If you're new and wondering why my head shakes, it's because I have a neurological condition. And yes, this partially explains why I prefer being on the radio :)
A Great Opportunity: Find Out Who's Been Discipling You
Maybe you need to hear this. Maybe someone you know does.
We don't want to add to the noise, so we hope this is genuinely helpful.
We offer you this refreshing break from ELECTION COVERAGE... to bring you a new, heartfelt song you might much relate to. WARNING: EMOTIONAL YOU GUYS
Listen to the Oddcast!
YOU ARE INVITED to the podcast that is "Refreshingly odd, and oddly refreshing."
Spiritual encouragement + Just General Oddness = MIRTH
"Worry is a form of control."
From my interview with Skylar Lewis. (I'm a little sweaty. Sorry about that. It was a warm Texas evening.)
Check out the before and after from
YOU GUYS MADE THIS HAPPEN. Thanks to everyone who helped pay for Lemmy's surgery. I met him in Zambia right before his surgery. He's gone from being deeply sad, mourning his inability to walk and run like he used to, to very joyous and thankful.
Lemmy leads worship at his church, and wrote a song called "He Heals". Here are the lyrics to the bridge:
Beloved ones, even me, I was sick in pain!
But I met the King of Kings, and IU was healed
He is alive. Stop crying--He is alive
Our Father is there and He heals!
If you want to PEACE--in this culture--it's not just going to "happen."
From the "Brant and Sherri Oddcast"
Let's talk about REAL authenticity...
A clip from the "Brant and Sherri Oddcast"