Gospel of Violence Podcast

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Gospel of Violence Podcast A definitive frequency for serious, substantial and in-depth musings on all topics relating to viole

Florida… I will be back in November to dive deeper into the murky waters of violence. Nov. 23-24: Fight Hacker hybrid of...

Florida… I will be back in November to dive deeper into the murky waters of violence.
Nov. 23-24: Fight Hacker hybrid of “Escapeology” and “Uncut”.
Nov. 25: Full “Conflict Management” class.



Escapeology: the science of relocating from place of disadvantage to a place of opportunity. Plus: “Uncut” reality of mitigating bladed encounter- without unnecessary baggage of cultural heritage and weight of the “system”. Forward Training Concepts “Fight Hacker hybrid: Escapeology & Uncu...

Fear of finding out.We don’t know what we don’t know. And…We fear what we don’t know. To gain knowledge, so that one can...

Fear of finding out.

We don’t know what we don’t know.
We fear what we don’t know.

To gain knowledge, so that one can learn, evolve, be more, requires one pesky factor.

Faith requires courage, child-like recklessness without adult ego and vanity. Post modern standards claim that it’s delusional and irresponsible way to live- we must “follow the science”… Omitting little known fact, that much of sciences greatest discoveries were in significant part driven by faith that there is something, somewhere- that which we don’t know yet, don’t understand. Weird…

It isn’t that much different in the universe of people interested in functioning better in violent environments.
Status Quo of mediocrity, of established (by anointed by some mysterious authority Pharisees of tactical competence) “science” of the craft is as robust and just as capable to convince masses to worship its dogma as the “science” of piece of paper covering half of scared face preventing terrible virus from dropping you dead…

Establishment, any establishment always protects its established turf of influence, profit, control. Don’t allow your mind to become an establishment of conformity, blindly falling in line with that which establishment says is established fact(s).

Have courage to recognize this- while there is nothing new under the sun, you may only be aware of small part of what is there- under the sun.
Going “there” only when “someday” of you being ready (whatever that means- maybe it’s when you finally pick up your sack and take first step of courage towards Faith, which just may lead you to more, better, deeper) arrives, is nothing but thinly veiled cowardice. It’s fear of finding out. Drop it.

“Someday I will take xyz class”. No. You won’t. Not until in solitude of your own mind you’ll punch that pusillanimous creature in the throat, mercilessly murder the coward and emerge as new person with courage to have Faith that perfected mediocrity is akin to adultery to your self- your potential.

Don’t be a PUSI-llanimous excuse of a human you were created to be.

Fear or Faith.

Pick ONE.

IF you read this slowly, you’ll find that “if” implies that there was a choice… And IF you get to last IF, with your pre...

IF you read this slowly, you’ll find that “if” implies that there was a choice… And IF you get to last IF, with your previous choices adding up to that, and you don’t have wholesome skills set- not just your master blaster- the next question could be HOW- as in how bad you’ll be fu**ed, or WHO- as in who- Bubba or Tyron- will f**k you during the next 30 years in a slammer…
Be wise…

What a difference good students make… The first day of “Fear Inoculum-2024”, on the first day of Holy Lent, first day of...

What a difference good students make… The first day of “Fear Inoculum-2024”, on the first day of Holy Lent, first day of spring. Glorious sounds of punches, groans. Men with a capital M- bruised, discolored (or colored in new shades of red, purple- about to turn blue)- yet smiling.
1 day down, 4 to go.

And here is the link for “Fear Inoculum-2025”:

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” ~Jack Canfield When something profoundly destructive hits one's home, it’s not the expensive decor and rare antique furniture compelling all who see it to gawk in admiration that makes it a life-saving shelter. It's the unseen, under-the-surf...

Fight like a girl. It’s a principle applicable to all of us. It doesn’t take a Harvard degree in gender studies or advan...

Fight like a girl. It’s a principle applicable to all of us.

It doesn’t take a Harvard degree in gender studies or advanced physiology courses from leading experts in athletic performance studies to recognize the simple fact- men and women aren’t the same.
In context of physical abilities, there is abundance of data and evidence, that average male, in comparison to average female, has significantly more physical strength, larger muscles, denser bone and connective tissue structure. That provides average male with notable advantages in applied strength, speed and other parameters within physical performance realm.
And it could be said that most often, a lady having to fight a man is an example of David vs Goliath story.

“Fight like a girl” is not gender specific class, in a sense that it addresses and explores universal principles of disparity of capabilities between two belligerents in the context of physical violence. And it’s not only the disparity of physical performance metrics- strength, speed, mass, size. It is also about addressing the disparity of parameters in the realm of non physical attributes- aggression, pain tolerance, etc. In addition to that, it is very likely that there will be certain degree of disparity in realm of multiple disciplinary skills- striking, clinch work, grappling, workspace management, etc.
All of the aforementioned disparities can result in ever fluid and evolving timeline of accumulation of advantages for one of the participants, while another one starts accumulating the baggage of negative consequences- ranging from pain, injuries, loss of functionality, mental and emotional degradation. And that process is most likely to progress rather quickly, with sequence of actions compounding the gravity of both positive and negative consequences, accelerating the outcome.
The idea addressed in “Fight like a girl” curriculum is that we need to learn and train to be able to short circuit the process, to arrive at the point where we are able to swiftly utilize our own trained advantages with minimal degradation of our capabilities due to metrics of posture, position, opportunities and target availability and relevance, and with added benefit of surprise negating inherent advantages possessed by our adversary.
Engaging in conventional exchange with our opponent, determined by his preference of range, type of exchange (striking/grappling/clinch/ground), is akin to the “stupid” way of warfare- as the saying used in warfare studies suggests that there are two ways to engage in war- asymmetric and stupid. Striking approach against a superior striker, or grappling/wrestling against more competent wrestler isn’t likely to produce desired outcome.
To learn the “how” we need to explore the “why”, which substantiates the “what”- and that is the progression of “Fight like a girl” curriculum.
Clear and concise explanation of the workspace management and its importance, using positional advantage to negate potential opponents superior capabilities/skills, while maximizing your accessibility to targets directly related to functionality, performance and ability of your opponent to execute his intended actions, paired with learning specific offensive actions aimed at short circuiting his OODA loop, and switching the priorities from dominating/controlling/hurting to surviving/defending are the aims of this class.
Those who can and are willing to dedicate years and decades to deep studies of all aspects of violence and use of force, eventually may arrive at the point of well rounded, wholesome competence of a trained fighter.
This course is designed for those who for any reason can not make such a long term commitment, or are somewhere along the way towards that wholesomeness- yet are lacking immediately accessible solutions for situations with disparity of capabilities favoring one’s opponent.
We all have many commitments, duties and responsibilities. And our responsibility to preserve ourselves, our capability to continue living and functioning during, and after surviving violent encounter should be near the top of our priorities in becoming self reliant. Because regardless if you are a woman or a man- often we are just a David facing a Goliath.

Fear Inoculum 2024 starts tomorrow. 10 brave souls will be embarking on a 5 day journey of getting to know themselves be...

Fear Inoculum 2024 starts tomorrow. 10 brave souls will be embarking on a 5 day journey of getting to know themselves better.
May they prevail.

Fear Inoculum 2025 will be announced and open for registrations this week. 10 spots only.

Fear Inoculum 2024 is full. Next week Fear Inoculum 2025 will be announced and open for registrations. 10 spots only.

Fear Inoculum 2024 is full.
Next week Fear Inoculum 2025 will be announced and open for registrations. 10 spots only.

1. Mar. 20-24, 2024. Fear Inoculum 24. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/fear-inoculum-foundat...

1. Mar. 20-24, 2024. Fear Inoculum 24. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/fear-inoculum-foundational-transformation-class-march-20-24-2024-jacksonville-tx Only 1 spot remains.
2. Apr. 5, 2024. Fight like a girl. Camden, TN. https://selfreliancefestival.com/product/fight-like-a-girl/?fbclid=IwAR1Gm4lAML--h2oxmalWLa8pEj0DMcaP3LpZIdV3lWBFvSiVgiz4No5bK-Q_aem_AdV54l2QeKcPS2ezQNjZv30poLer5utl1cRyfIxRARrRS7aJHB7TNtSI_82Ecd4xmM4
3. Apr. 6-7, 2024. Self Reliance Festival. Camden, TN. https://selfreliancefestival.com/?
4. Apr. 26-28, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix-1 Elevated. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-1-the-fundamentals-april-26-28-2024-fort-honey-badger-jacksonville-tx
5. May 17-19, 2024. Bratva Gathering-3. “Pistol craft elevated”. Invite only. Fort Honey Badger, TX.
6. May 25-26, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix- Fundamentals Elevated. Freestone, CA. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-fundamentals-elevated-may-25-26-2024-freestone-ca-2
7. May 27, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix- The crucible. Freestone, CA. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-crucible-may-27-2024-freestone-ca
8. Jun. 1-2, 2024. Hybrid handgun/rifle “Shooter/Fighter Matrix”. Butte, Montana. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-pistol-rifle-june-1-2-2024-butte-montana
9. Jun. 13-14, 2024. Hybrid handgun/rifle “Shooter/Fighter Matrix”. Sturgis, South Dakota. Details TBA.
10. Jul. 27-28, 2024. AKnowledge-1. New London, OH. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/aknowledge-the-fundamentals-ak-1-july-27-28-2024-london-oh
11. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2024. The science of dynamic violence. Scranton, PA. https://tremisdynamics.com/the-science-of-dynamic-violence/
12. Aug. 2, 2024. The Crucible. Scranton, PA. https://tremisdynamics.com/the-crucible/
13. Aug. 3, 2024. Tremis Dynamics Muster. Bloomsburg, PA
14. Aug. 4, 2024. Conflict Management. Danville, PA. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/conflict-management-the-science-art-of-de-escalation-august-4-2024-danville-pa
15. Sep. 20-22, 2024. Bratva gathering-4. “IDF and Deep Impact” Invite only. Fort Honey Badger, TX.

“The hate will rain if you challenge accepted standards” they said. “Status quo always wins” they smirked. “You will be ...

“The hate will rain if you challenge accepted standards” they said.
“Status quo always wins” they smirked.
“You will be cancelled, you’ll be seen as pariah” they warned.
“Why stir up the tranquil mediocrity of the industry?” They asked….

- Accepted standards are teaching folks to pass the mediocrity test on the range. It is NOT making them harder to kill.
- Status Quo is like CNN- it sticks to its rotten agenda while it goes from 10 million to 200 thousand viewers, screaming loud about how ridiculous Joe Rogan and Tucker Carson are…
- Truth and evolution can’t be cancelled- suppressed, ridiculed- yes. But not cancelled.
- Tranquil or not, mediocrity has no place in realm of learning about violence.

Here’s what’s coming to Gospel of Violence podcast:
- Interviews with those who avoided it through
- episodes debunking fake gospels of “partial transfer”, enhanced safeties, non-validity of ambidextrous work, episodes explaining developing strikes, kicks, corner geometry, training always through mindfulness of your daily actions.
- Interviews with doctors, priests, “preppers”.
- tutorials on conditioning, clinch work, takedowns.

Our 3Fiddy club, which besides giving you full access also gives you and your immediate family 35% discount on training, has only 9 spots remaining.

Come explore just how deep it goes.


Productive 4 hours of filming today. - “Enhanced” safety and tactical fingerfu@&$g.- Importance of being bi….err… ambide...

Productive 4 hours of filming today.
- “Enhanced” safety and tactical fingerfu@&$g.
- Importance of being bi….err… ambidextrous.
- The pitfalls of “partial transition”.

All coming to members and subscribers of Gospel of Violence podcast, my patrons on Patreon and short versions for public consumption.

More filming tomorrow.

2024 1. Mar. 9-10, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix-1. Leesburg, FL. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-ma...


1. Mar. 9-10, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix-1. Leesburg, FL. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-1-the-fundamentals-march-9-10-2024-leesburg-fl
2. Mar. 20-24, 2024. Fear Inoculum 24. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/fear-inoculum-foundational-transformation-class-march-20-24-2024-jacksonville-tx Only 2 spots remain.
3. Apr. 5, 2024. Fight like a girl. Camden, TN. https://selfreliancefestival.com/product/fight-like-a-girl/?fbclid=IwAR1Gm4lAML--h2oxmalWLa8pEj0DMcaP3LpZIdV3lWBFvSiVgiz4No5bK-Q_aem_AdV54l2QeKcPS2ezQNjZv30poLer5utl1cRyfIxRARrRS7aJHB7TNtSI_82Ecd4xmM4
4. Apr. 6-7, 2024. Self Reliance Festival. Camden, TN. https://selfreliancefestival.com/?
5. Apr. 26-28, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix-1 Elevated. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-1-the-fundamentals-april-26-28-2024-fort-honey-badger-jacksonville-tx
6. May 17-19, 2024. Bratva Gathering-3. “Pistol craft elevated”. Invite only. Fort Honey Badger, TX.
7. May 25-26, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix- Fundamentals Elevated. Freestone, CA. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-fundamentals-elevated-may-25-26-2024-freestone-ca-2
8. May 27, 2024. Shooter/Fighter Matrix- The crucible. Freestone, CA. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-crucible-may-27-2024-freestone-ca
9. Jun. 1-2, 2024. Hybrid handgun/rifle “Shooter/Fighter Matrix”. Butte, Montana. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/shooter-fighter-matrix-pistol-rifle-june-1-2-2024-butte-montana
10. Jun. 13-14, 2024. Hybrid handgun/rifle “Shooter/Fighter Matrix”. Sturgis, South Dakota.
11. Jul. 27-28, 2024. AKnowledge-1. New London, OH. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/aknowledge-the-fundamentals-ak-1-july-27-28-2024-london-oh
12. Jul. 30-Aug. 1, 2024. The science of dynamic violence. Scranton, PA. https://tremisdynamics.com/the-science-of-dynamic-violence/
13. Aug. 2, 2024. The Crucible. Scranton, PA. https://tremisdynamics.com/the-crucible/
14. Aug. 3, 2024. Tremis Dynamics Muster. Bloomsburg, PA
15. Aug. 4, 2024. Conflict Management. Danville, PA. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/conflict-management-the-science-art-of-de-escalation-august-4-2024-danville-pa
16. Sep. 20-22, 2024. Bratva gathering-4. “IDF and Deep Impact” Invite only. Fort Honey Badger, TX.
17. Oct. 5-6, 2024. Escapeology. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/fight-hacker-escapeology-fh-1-october-5-6-2024-fort-honey-badger-jacksonville-tx
18. Oct. 19-20, 2024. AKnowledge-1. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/aknowledge-the-fundamentals-ak-1-october-19-20-2024-fort-honey-badger-jacksonville-tx
19. Nov. 2-3, 2024. IDF (Individual diagnostics for a fighter). Limited to 8 participants. Fort Honey Badger, TX. https://www.sonnypuzikas.com/product/idf-clinic-november-2-3-2024-fort-honey-badger-jacksonville-tx

Individual Diagnostics for a Fighter Clinic Uniqueness of this 2 day clinic lays in its purpose- that is not being an event for acquiring skills and knowledge from without- that which you don’t possess, but rather finding, diagnosing, understanding your individual deficiencies, weaknesses, fundame...



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