Good idea! Dems only promote this when they are NOT in power.
I join anyone else in Hollywood with the backbone to call this out. A 72 yo man in Utah was shot and killed (by the FBI!!!) for merely SUSPECTED assassination threat to Joe Biden and Lea DelariOUS is allowed to PUBLICLY call for the assassination of Brandon’s leading opponent? SHARE THIS REEL!
Doesn't matter how you FEEL. For our children and our children's children, we need USA STRENGTH restored before the REPUBLIC has fallen.
The Next Utah Governor - Phil Lyman
UTAH, let’s show the establishment, they’re NOT invincible! We can bring it down if we UNITE BEHIND Lyman! Time’s running out to SHARE THIS VIDEO: A lot of people feel like they don't know who to vote for. For my friend, Phil Lyman, one of the best Governors Utah will ever have. Cox has massive campaign funds, please help Lyman by SHARING THIS VIDEO everywhere!! Post mark ballots by June 24 or vote IN PERSON on JUNE 25! Unseat the ESTABLISHMENT forever JUNE 25!
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