Better Images For Your Website
Choosing the right photos for your website will increase leads and sales. What types of photos should you be using on your website? Watch this video to learn more.
Tips for LinkedIn Video Posts
Are you thinking about adding video to your LinkedIn strategy? Or do you need better results from your current videos? Watch this week's video for my top tips for creating videos on LinkedIn. If you need help with your videos for LinkedIn or social media click this link to learn more about our video subscription services.
The Three Types of Videos Your Company Needs to Increase Sales
Watch this before you add video to your 2021 sales and marketing strategy
Tips for Creating and Maintaining Virtual Event Engagement
Virtual event engagement is important to the success of your virtual event. How do you keep people’s attention and prevent them from drifting off to check their email or social media? A good virtual event is made up of many different elements. In this video, I give you 6 tips to help you keep your audience engaged during your next virtual event.
How to Plan an Awesome Virtual Event
With the right strategy, virtual events are great for generating interest and leads for your products and services.
Have you been part of a virtual event that failed to hold your attention? What went wrong? Watch this video to learn how to plan an awesome virtual event!
If you need more information on how to create a follow-up plan, watch my free 4-minute training video called, “The After Virtual Event Engagement Strategy,” where I will show you the steps you need to continue engaging clients and prospects after your virtual event is done.
How To Create a Virtual Trade Show
If trade shows were a big part of your sale process for generating leads and connecting with clients, what are you going to do now that COVID-19 has shut down trade shows for the foreseeable future?
How to Promote Your Business on Social Media
If you're considering social media as part of your sales strategy, or have just started and need some help, this video will show you the first 9 steps you need to take to promote your business correctly on social media. With the right strategy, social media can be a sales opportunity for every business.
How to Change Your Marketing Message During a Recession
The worst thing that your company can do in times of economic slowdown is to stop marketing. Keep marketing so that you will have a better chance of survival and have a faster recovery than those companies that pull back.
Click now to watch our free on-demand training “How to Change Your Sales and Marketing for Success in a Recession.”
How to Look Good on a Webcam
No matter what software you are using for your video conferencing, here are some tips to help you look better on camera and help everyone have a better experience. The look of your webinars and professional meetings should represent your brand and that starts by learning how to look good on a webcam.
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