We are looking for answers, somewhere, someone to place blame. "They" are not me, I am different, I am right, "they" are wrong. This is what separates us from our fellow beings, our fellow citizens. Connection, seeking to understand, not blame is what our times require. The civil rights movement was about people coming together, about basic humanity, standing up, discourse. The laws that have been enacted protected, but they did not change hearts and minds. Policy does not change hearts and minds.
What do we say to our children? We talk about racism, and we talk about fear, and we talk about what enables a person like trump to be voted in. We do the real work, the 1:1 work that is required to connect, and understand, and come to together to solve the infinite problems of today, that are not too far from the problems of yesterday.
As Henry said this morning, "If kids were allowed to vote, this wouldn't have happened. I am not crying on purpose, it is just my body." Get in touch with that. What is it in our children? It is their innate unconditional love, and compassion, and understanding. Hate is learned.
Moving to Canada, or New Zealand or running away is not the solution. We need to stay.
As Annie Lamott said, "It’s good to be afraid, when it mobilizes us to fight tooth and nail for what is right, when it pricks the balloon of our complacency, when it gets us back on our feet."
We must get back on our feet. We must love, we must listen, so that WE can change, reflect, what is our part in this? What work are we doing for ourselves and our fellow citizens. Only by changing ourselves, and listening, will there be any real, sustainable change in this world.
Find someone who will be impacted, someone of color, who is afraid, who has been afraid, and apologize, not for "them" but for what we, you, I, have failed to do.
This is just the beginning. Love someone you disagree with. Breathe. Love yourself. Fight for something, for someone. Start a real conversation. Do something real. and BREATHE again.
I love you all.