Anklebiters Publishing is a DIY self-publishing tiny press and dirt cheap print shop located in Houston, TX. We do everything ourselves, including design, printing, scoring, cutting, binding, promoting, distribution, and hosting events for publication releases. We work with our sister publisher, Whatever, Mom Publications, to create beautiful, crafted publications, including zines, mags, and books
. We’re open to publications that don’t fit these formats, as well. We offer the support of being published by a press and the freedom of publishing your own book. We can guide you hands-on through the steps of publishing a collection and help you sell your work through promotion, distribution, and book touring. We charge for materials at cost and provide affordable publishing services. You sell your book at whatever price you want, however you want, with our help available. The cost of materials and labor varies depending on size, run, b&w vs. Work that is especially interesting to us, unique, intellectually-challenging, subversive, or decolonizing gets a more curated approach and becomes part of our canon. We also publish work that falls outside our range of taste at a more affordable rate than local or online print shops. We will not, however, include this work in our canon, and no opinion on the content will be provided. To get a quote or inquire about publishing a full-length publication, such as a poetry, short story, visual art, photography, or hybrid collection, novel, novella, chapbook, magazine, or zine, contact us. We also provide print services for flyers, posters, business cards, documents, etc.