Due to the person I had to fire, and their Women Friends - continuing their smear campaign- we are starting over with new name and blocking all previously involved, (except a few we totally trust) but had much experience and learned many lessons like don't give up your power, even when very sick because the Lord may heal you (praise God), also there are many "Nice Narcissists" people in the church, so check out videos on YouTube about basic Narcissistic traits and don't get involved with them even if they are "Christians," and many other lessons that will make the new organization stronger. Praise God for using us all even those who may be as Apostle Paul said are spreading the Gospel through "vain deceit." Christ understands and will work it all out for good! Let this be a lesson to all Christian Women Filmmakers- be careful, many will be envious, jealous, ambitious and will try to belittle, sabatoge or steal ideas for selfish purposes ... so keep all things in prayer and make a move as Spirit leads. And when you mess up, which we all will, it's okay because The Creator can give you total new amazing strategies- if you stay humble and repentant before the Lord. Not going to be using Facebook as much, too many nice trolls who go to church, lol.