The Political Class in Search of a Solution - Libya
It is a state of political luxury experienced by most of those who belong, in thought or by chance, to the current political class in the "Libyan" society through their delving into the complexities of the political, economic, and social scene and the accompanying security chaos in the first place. These people present daily meals of ideas and proposals in search of a solution to this political "security" dilemma that the "Libyan" citizen is under in a society whose officials have multiple national affiliations. I do not know if the politicians of the "Libyan" society are aware of the legal status of the Libyan state and, thus, the powers that limit the possibility of developing national solutions away from foreign interference or if they are completely absent from the state of belonging to the homeland "Libya" and thus foreign interference for them is part of the solution or the entire solution.
It is impossible to discuss a political solution without a "military" security solution that restores national sovereignty from the international community and other international and regional parties!