Join us March 1-3 in #OKC to hear best strategies & proven methods for Midcontinent oil & gas production presented by industry leaders like Citizen Energy's Tim Helms, Diversified Energy's Brad Gray & others!
Secure your pass today @
#DUGMidcontinent #oilandgas #Oklahoma
As founder of Detring Energy Advisors and PetroDivest Advisors, Derek’s career has been fully devoted to energy advisory, where he has completed over $10 billion in capital raising and mergers, and A&D advisory transactions. Hear what he has to say about the current A&D environment in the energy industry at DUG Midcontinent in March!
Register with our super early bird rate @
#DUG #DUGMidcontinent
Just announced: Citizen Energy CFO Tim Helms will take the stage at the 2022 DUG Midcontinent Conference & Exhibition! Sign up today to hear from him and other Oklahoma energy leaders, March 1-3 in OKC.
Register now with our super early bird pricing @
#DUG #DUGMidcontinent
Calling all Midcontinent operators! Did you know you can walk the exhibit hall at this year's DUG Micontinent for FREE if you work for an E&P company, pipeline operator, refinery or utility company?
To learn more & see if you qualify, visit
##DUG #DUGMidcontinent
We're celebrating the women who make energy great! 🎉
Help us nominate a top female industry executive for Oil and Gas Investor's 25 Influential Women In Energy. Celebrate women who have risen to the top of their professions and achieved outstanding success in the oil and gas industry. Honorees will be profiled in a special report.
Submit your nominee at -
As our first confirmed speaker for March's DUG Midcontinent Conference & Exhibition, we welcome the President and CEO of Canyon Creek Energy Luke Essman! See him live at the Oklahoma City Convention Center, as DUG Midcontinent makes its return March 1 - 3.
Register now with super early bird pricing @
#DUGMidcontinent #DUG #DUGMidcon