You are what you do — not what you say you’ll do.
Words can lie, but the lives we live tell a completely different story.
So, don’t just speak your philosophy….embody it.💯
🔥Like, share, and subscribe! @iamravnfit
⚔️Discipline is freedom
#motivation #mindset #fitnessmotivation #ufcgymkailua #jumprope
Enough said 🤝 …
Shoutout to the hard-workers who fight, each-and-every day, to build the life of their dreams.
Never give up, never surrender. 💯
#motivation #mindset #fitnessmotivation #ufcgymkailua #hawaii
Self-sufficiency is the greatest of all wealth.
For, all mountains are surpassed by those who have trained their wings.
Trust yourself, and build yourself 💯
He who cannot control himself will never be free.
Build yourself into a man of great power, immense wisdom, and saintly restraint.
First temper our body, then temper your mind.💯
🔥Like, share, and subscribe! @iamravnfit
⚔️Discipline is freedom
#motivation #mindset #fitnessmotivation #jumprope #asrv
Becoming a deeper man is the privilege of those who have suffered.
We grow through what we go through.💯
🔥Like, share, and subscribe! @iamravnfit
💯Discipline is freedom
#motivation #mindset #fitnessmotivation #ufcgymkailua #jumprope
Words talk, but numbers never lie.
Take charge of your health, education, communication and mindset to surpass the competition.
Your 2025 transformation is right at your fingertips.
Do the work.💯
Stop making excuses, and start putting-in the work!
Health is wealth; exercise is prayer. 💯
In the battle between Humility and Ego:
One sets limitations; the other sets expectations.
One waters you down; the other hypes you up.
One hides your potential; the other puts it on full-display.
One says, “I’ll do my best”; the other says, “I am the best”.
One pursues work-life balance; the other thinks work-life balance is utter bs.
One says, “There’s always next time”; the other says, “There is no tomorrow”.
One wants to remember the experience; the other wants history to remember his name.
Which one are you taking with you into battle?
🔥Like, share, and subscribe! @iamravnfit
💯Discipline is freedom
#motivation #mindset #fitnessmotivation #ufcgymkailua #jumprope
A man will always have more excuses than limitations.
Live a life worthy of someone who is ALIVE.
Todays pain is tomorrow’s power 💯
🔥Like, share, and subscribe! @iamravnfit
🦾 Discipline is freedom
#motivation #mindset #fitnessmotivation #ufcgymkailua #jumprope
Pursue the dreams that set your heart on fire!
All need is skill, effort, discipline, and gratitude to achieve any goal.
Your future is always in your hands.
Get to work! 💯
A man who cannot control himself will never be free.
In 2025, your thoughts and actions are your ‘brand.’
You must decide what your ‘brand’ will tell us about you.
🔥Like, share, and subscribe! @iamravnfit
💯Discipline is freedom
#motivation #mindset #fitnessmotivation #ufcgymkailua
Boring is the currency of greatness.
Tiger Wood’s father would constantly remind him to K.I.S.S. — Keep It Simple, Stupid!
Make your goals CLEAR — not clever.
Set daily, achievable tasks…and repeat them day-after-day.
You’ll go far this year. 💯