Wuh a min
Which personally do we have today
Watch until the end
Lisa Popp
JDP will be home soon
When the meff got you makin those big $$
If you still follow him, remove yourself from this page
JDP’s w0rds
All w0men are jeal0us of him 🥴
Of course JDP w0uld b€ a symp@thizer with Aizy
JDP you are worse than Aizy in many ways.
JDP why d0n’t you |isten to y0ur own w0rds and try to r€pair the non existent relati0nship with y0ur 0wn kids, that d0n’t want anything t0 d0 with y0u 🙄
Get to know the #facts before you st@rt judg!ng Bovine aka Scat Daddy
Another alt exp0sed
Bill Smith
JDP cr€ating |ies to d€flect
JDP your thr€ats to others are v€ry similar to the thr€ats you were arr€sted for 🤔
T@ll t@les from the sh0rt 🤮
JDP has n€w pe0ple to sc@m
JDP you r@ged on people you were the one
Te|| it like it is
The only people William had in his box was your ex admins and ex friends to t€ll the tr uths how all their PayPal’s were h@cked and you, charging your room to their credit cards without their okay.
JDP said he wants to play sm€ar the qu€€r with WC
JDP l@st time you thr€atened som€one online, that didn’t w0rk out so gr€at for you, did it 🤔
JDP ain’t no one t@lking ab0ut y0u
Especially not William
JDP are you g0ing to cry v!ctim 🙄
People just d0n’t like you
Stahpp g0ing into peoples |ives that d0n’t want you there